An EPP XML frame system built on top of XML::LibXML.
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame for client commands
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP E<ltcheckgt> command.
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Check for domain names.
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP E<ltcreategt> command.
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP E<ltdeletegt> command.
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Delete for domain names.
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP E<ltinfogt> command.
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Info for domain names.
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP E<ltlogingt> command.
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP E<ltlogoutgt> command.
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP E<ltPollgt> command.
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP E<ltrenewgt> command.
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP E<lttransfergt> command.
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame::Command for the EPP E<ltupdategt> command.
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame for server greetings
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame for client greetings
metadata about EPP object types
an instance of Net::EPP::Frame for server responses