Net::RDAP::Redaction - a module representing a redacted field in an RDAP response.


Any RDAP object which inherits from Net::RDAP::Object has a redactions() method which will return an array of Net::RDAP::Redaction objects representing the fields identified by the server as being redacted (if any).


Redacted Field Name

$name = $field->name;

Returns the logical name for the redacted field, which may be registered or unregistered (see Section 4.2 of RFC 9537).

Redaction Method

$method = $field->method;

Returns one of removal, emptyValue, partialValue or replacementValue.

JSON Path Expression Language

$lang = $field->pathLang;

Returns the JSON path expression language used, which is jsonpath by default.

JSON Paths

$prePath = $field->prePath;

Returns the path expression referencing the redacted field in the pre-redacted response (if any).

$postPath = $field->postPath;

Returns the path expression referencing a redacted field in the redacted (post-redacted) response (if any).

$replacementPath = $field->replacementPath;

Returns the path expression of the replacement field of the redacted field when the redaction method is replacementValue.


$reason = $field->reason;
$lang = $field->reasonLang;

$field->reason returns the human-readable reason(s) why the field has been redacted. $field->reasonLang returns the language of the reason, which is en by default.


Copyright 2018-2023 CentralNic Ltd, 2024 Gavin Brown. For licensing information, please see the LICENSE file in the Net::RDAP distribution.