Changes for version 0.00_11
- Smoothified.
- Improveified.
- Correctificated.
- Enhancified.
Changes for version 0.00_10
- Note to self: Read the 0.00_09 change notes.
- Fix eg/drummer
Changes for version 0.00_09
- Note to self: Don't release a distro when you are more tired than alive.
Changes for version 0.00_08
- Simplified the public and internal interface.
Changes for version 0.00_07
- Sometihng good happened, I'm sure...
Changes for version 0.00_06
- Fixed eq/drummer that was "backwards."
- Made the package synopsis identical to eg/drummer.
Changes for version 0.00_05
- Renamed methods.
- Began adding tests.
- Enhanced POD.
Changes for version 0.00_04
- Allowed user defined patterns to be added to the repertoire.
- Improved code! Imagine that!
- Improved documentation.
- Added POD tests.
Changes for version 0.00_03
- Wtf? The _02 distro is blank?
Changes for version 0.00_02
- Fixed distribution files and documentation.
Changes for version 0.00_01
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world by Module::Starter.
- Made it live in the possible now.
Glorified Metronome