My Robot Drummer...

DIY Beats


  1. It's on CPAN and will install on any machine.

  2. It only depends on MIDI::Simple, which depends on nothing but Perl itself!

Static not dynamic

This package renders a .mid file.
It does not interact with you.

Why make a MIDI drummer?

The metronome is boring!
Metronomes go on forever, which is not real.
Songs have parts, including an end.
Drummers cue your place in the song.
I miss my virtuoso drummer and teacher.

What Song Do You Think This Is?


Back In Black!


The General MIDI Kit

The GMK is pretty feeble but works just fine and is part of every machine.

Drums: snare, two basses and six toms
Cymbals: hi-hat (closed/open/pedal), two crashes, a China, a Splash, two rides and the ride bell
Miscelaneous other instruments like the venerable cowbell, bongos and congos, etc.

Open the .mid in your favorite sequencer


And fiddle about. Every sequencer has better patches than the GMK.

The GMK is not Neil Peart's kit!


Let's Get This Party Started!

First, let's check out the essential bits...

The Kit

The kit is just a hash of internal method names, like

11 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 56:

Deleting unknown formatting code G<>

Around line 60:

Deleting unknown formatting code G<>

Around line 78:

Deleting unknown formatting code G<>

Around line 84:

Deleting unknown formatting code G<>

Around line 102:

=over without closing =back

Around line 111:

=end perl doesn't match =begin for. (Stack: =over; =begin for)

Around line 119:

=end perl doesn't match =begin for. (Stack: =over; =begin for; =begin for)

Around line 154:

=end perl doesn't match =begin for. (Stack: =over; =begin for; =begin for; =begin for)

Around line 184:

=end perl doesn't match =begin for. (Stack: =over; =begin for; =begin for; =begin for; =begin for)

Around line 201:

=end perl doesn't match =begin for. (Stack: =over; =begin for; =begin for; =begin for; =begin for; =begin for)

Around line 223:

=end perl doesn't match =begin for. (Stack: =over; =begin for; =begin for; =begin for; =begin for; =begin for; =begin for)