SVG::Graph::Kit - Simplified data plotting


use SVG::Graph::Kit;

my @x = qw(2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41);
my $x = @x;
my $y = $x[-1];
my $i = 0;
my $d = [ map { [ ++$i, $_ ] } @x ];
my @items = (
  { data => $d, line => { stroke => 'yellow' } },
  { data => $d, scatter => { stroke => 'blue' } },

# Explicitly declared SVG::Graph axis.
my $g = SVG::Graph::Kit->new(
  _items => [ {
          axis => {
              x_fractional_ticks => $x,
              y_absolute_ticks => 1,
              stroke => 'palegray', # etc.
          data => [ [0, 0], [$x, $y] ],
          line => { stroke => 'palegray' },

# Absolute x and y ticks on an auto-axis.  Use grid=>0 for large x*y.
$g = SVG::Graph::Kit->new(
  _axis => { grid => 1, y => $y, x => $x },
  _items => $items,

# Ticks and grid lines at a locked-step factor apart.
$g = SVG::Graph::Kit->new(
  _axis => { grid => 1, x => $x, y => $y, s => 2 },
  _items => $items,

# Ticks and grid lines at different step factors apart.
$g = SVG::Graph::Kit->new(
  _axis => { grid => 1,
      x => $x, y => $y,
      xs => 2, ys => 5,
  _items => $items,

# Scale the x and y ticks.  Use this technique for large data sets.
$g = SVG::Graph::Kit->new(
  _axis => { grid => 1,
      x => $x, y => $y,
      xs => int $x / 10,
      ys => int $y / 10,
  _items => $items,

# Scale the y ticks to fit x (yeilding decimal y tick lables).
my $s = $y / $x;
$g = SVG::Graph::Kit->new(
  _axis => { grid => 1,
      x => $x, y => $y,
      ys => $s,
      ylabels => [ map { sprintf '%.2f', $_ * $s } 0 .. $x ],
  _items => $items,

print $g->draw;


An SVG::Graph::Kit object is a simplified, automated tool that allows data plotting without requiring any knowledge of the SVG::Graph API.



my $obj = SVG::Graph::Kit->new(%arguments);

Return a new SVG::Graph::Kit instance with any given data or glyphs automatically added to the plot.

This method can be called with any valid SVG::Graph construction parameters (e.g. width, height, margin) plus an _items list of things to show - data and glyphs. The glyphs are defined by SVG::Graph and the actual data can be either a 1-D list of numbers, an array reference of 1, 2 or 3-D data points, a hash reference with "x, y, z" keyed coordinates, a list of SVG::Graph::Data::Datum points or a SVG::Graph::Data object.

An axis must be specified for this module to display any data. This can be done by adding standard SVG::Graph axis items or by providing an _axis hash reference. This feature is under developement. Please see the eg/normalize-primes program for a working example.




Copyright 2006, Gene Boggs, All Rights Reserved


You may use this module under the terms of the BSD, Artistic, or GPL licenses, any version.


Gene Boggs <>