got - A tool to make it easier to manage multiple code repositories using different VCSen


version 0.1


cd some/proj/in/a/vcs
got add
# answer prompts for various information
# or run with '-D' to take all defaults

# show managed repositories
got list
got ls

# remove repo #1 from the list
got remove 1

# remove repo named 'bar' from the list
got remove bar

# remove all repos tagged 'foo' without confirmation prompts
got rm -f -t foo

# remove  repos #3 without confirmation prompts and be noisy about it
got rm -f -v 3

# show status (up-to-date, dirty, etc.) for all repos
got status

# show status for repo #3
got st 3

# update all repos with configured remotes
got update

# update repo named 'bar'
got up bar

# Note: if a repo is in the list but doesn't have a local checkout, 'got
# update' will create directories as needed and do the initial check out.

# fork a github repo and add it to your list of repos
got fork

# note: this doesn't actually check out the repo, but running 'got up
# repo_name' will work as described above.

# also note: the default path to a repo added via 'fork' is a directory
# named 'repo_name' in the current working directory

# show version of got
got version


got is a script to make it easier to manage all the version controlled repositories you have on all the computers you use. It can operate on all, some, or just one repo at a time, to both check the status of the repo (up to date, pending changes, dirty, etc.) and sync it with any upstream master.

got also supports forking a GitHub repo and adding it to the list of managed repositories.


In addition to the subcommand-specific options illustrated in the SYNOPSIS, all the subcommands accept the following options:

  • --verbose / -v

    Be more verbose about what is happening behind the scenes

  • --quiet / -q

    Be more quiet

  • --tags / -t

    Select all repositories that have the given tag. May be given multiple times. Multiple args are (effectively) 'and'-ed together.

  • repo name, repo number, range

    Commands may be limited to a subset of repositories by giving a combination of additional arguments, consisting of either repository names, repository numbers (as reported by the 'list' subcommand), or number ranges (e.g., 2-4 will operate on repository numbers 2, 3, and 4).

    Note that if you have a repository whose name is an integer number, bad things are going probably going to happen. Don't do that.


Seeing Ingy döt Net speak about AYCABTU at PPW2010 was a major factor in the development of this script -- earlier (unreleased) versions did not have any way to limit operations to a subset of managed repositories; they also didn't deal well managing output. After lifting his interface (virtually wholesale) I ended up with something that I thought was worth releasing.


Currently git is the only supported VCS.


John SJ Anderson <>


This software is copyright (c) 2010 by John SJ Anderson.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 124:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'döt'. Assuming UTF-8