MooseX::amine - Examine Yr Moose


version 0.6


my $mex  = MooseX::amine->new( 'MooseX::amine' );
my $data = $mex->examine;

my $attributes = $data->{attributes};
my $methods    = $data->{methods};



# these two are the same
my $mex = MooseX::amine->new( 'Module' );
my $mex = MooseX::amine->new({ module => 'Module' });

# or you can go from the path to the file
my $mex = MooseX::amine->new({ path = 'path/to/' });

# there are a number of options that all pretty much do what they say.
# they all default to off
my $mex = MooseX::amine->new({
  module                           => 'Module' ,
  include_accessors_in_method_list => 1,
  include_moose_in_isa             => 1,
  include_private_attributes       => 1,
  include_private_methods          => 1,
  include_standard_methods         => 1,


my $mex  = MooseX::amine( 'Module' );
my $data = $mex->examine();

Returns a multi-level hash-based data structure, with two top-level keys, attributes and methods. attributes points to a hash where the keys are attribute names and the values are data structures that describe the attributes. Similarly, methods points to a hash where the keys are method names and the values are data structures describing the method.

A sample attribute entry:

simple_attribute => {
  accessor => 'simple_attribute',
  from     => 'Module',
  meta     => {
    constraint => 'Str'

The prescence of an accessor key indicates that this attribute was defined with is = 'rw'>. A read-only attribute will have a reader key. A writer key may also be present if a specific writer method was given when creating the attribute.

Depending on the options given when creating the attribute there may be various other options present under the meta key.

A sample method entry:

simple_method => {
  code => 'sub simple_method   { return \'simple\' }',
  from => 'Module'

The code key will contain the actual code from the method, extracted with PPI. Depending on where the method code actually lives, this key may or may not be present.


Semi-inspired by MooseX::Documenter.
Syntax highlighting Javascript/CSS stuff based on SHJS and largely stolen from


John SJ Anderson <>


This software is copyright (c) 2014 by John SJ Anderson.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.