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WebService::FitBit - OO Perl API used to fetch fitness data from


version 0.1_2


    use WebService::FitBit;

    # pulls default config from ~/.fitbit -- init that first, with
    # 'initialize_fitbit_config_file' command
    my $fb = WebService::FitBit->new();

    # No date defaults to today
    my @log = $fb->intraday_calories_burned();
    foreach (@log) {
        printf "time = %s -> calories = %s\n" , %$_;

    printf "calories burned = %s\n" , $fb->calories_burned('2010-05-03');
    printf "active score    = %s\n" , $fb->active_score('2010-05-03');
    printf "steps           = %s\n" , $fb->steps_taken('2010-05-03');


WebService::FitBit provides an OO API for fetching fitness data from Currently there is no official published API. WebService::FitBit works by accssing the XML feeds that drive the Flash/JavaScript-based interface at That means that changes to the location of format of those XML feeds could produce errors -- caveat user.

Intraday (5min and 1min intervals) logs are provided for:

 - calories burned
 - activity score
 - steps taken
 - sleep activity (every 1 min)

Historical (aggregate) info is provided for:

 - calories burned / consumed
 - activity score
 - steps taken
 - distance travels (miles)
 - sleep (total time in hours, and times awoken)



    my $fb = WebService::FitBit->new();
    my $fb = WebService::FitBit->new({ config => 'alternate/file/location' });
    my $fb = WebService::FitBit->new({
      sid     => $sid ,
      uid     => $uid ,
      user_id => $user_id ,

Returns a WebService::FitBit object. Generally you'll want to use the default form, which pulls required parameters out of $ENV{HOME}/.fitbit. There is a helper command included in the dist -- initialize_fitbit_config_file -- which will prompt for an account name and password and then use those to retrieve the required values from

If you prefer, you can specify an alternate config file location with the 'config' parameter, or specify the required 'sid', 'uid', and 'user_id' values directly.

If 'sid', 'uid', or 'user_id' parameters are supplied, they will override any parameters read from the config.


    $score = $fb->active_score();
    $score = $fb->active_score('2010-10-20');

Returns the active score for a given date. Defaults to current date if none given.


    my $activities_breakdown_hash = $fb->activities_breakdown();
    my $activities_breakdown_hash = $fb->activities_breakdown('2010-10-20');

Returns a hashref summarizing what percentage of the given date was spent in each of four activity level categories: 'sedentary', 'lightly', 'fairly', and 'very'. If no date is given, defaults to the current date.

NOTE: The four values in the hash will sum to (approximately) 100, not 1. That is, if half of the date was in the 'sedentary' level, the 'sedentary' key in the hashref would have a value of '50'.


    $calories_burned = $self->calories_burned();
    $calories_burned = $self->calories_burned('2010-10-20');

Returns the number of calories burned on the given date. Defaults to the current date if none given.


    $calories_consumed = $self->calories_consumed();
    $calories_consumed = $self->calories_consumed('2010-10-20');

Returns the number of calories consumed on the given date. Defaults to the current date if none given.


    $calories_in_out_hashref = $fb->calories_in_out();
    $calories_in_out_hashref = $fb->calories_in_out('2010-10-20');

Returns a hashref with information about calories burned and consumed on the given day. Calories burned are under the 'burned' key; calories consumed are under the 'consumed' key.


    $distance_in_miles = $fb->distance_from_steps();
    $distance_in_miles = $fb->distance_from_steps('2010-10-20');

Returns the distance walked on the given date, in miles. Defaults to the current date, if none given.


  @intraday_active_scores = $fb->intraday_active_score();
  @intraday_active_scores = $fb->intraday_active_score('2010-10-20');

Returns a list of hashrefs, each of the form 'time => value'. Times are in five minute intervals, running from '00:00' to '23:55'. Values are the activity score for that particular interval of the day.

Note that when requesting data for the current day, you still get the full range of time values, even though some of them haven't occurred yet.

Takes a date argument; defaults to the current date if none is given.


  @intraday_calories_burned = $fb->intraday_calories_burned();
  @intraday_calories_burned = $fb->intraday_calories_burned('2010-10-20');

Returns a list of hashrefs, each of the form 'time => value'. Times are in five minute intervals, running from '00:00' to '23:55'. Values are the calories burned during that particular interval of the day.

Note that when requesting data for the current day, you still get the full range of time values, even though some of them haven't occurred yet.

Takes a date argument; defaults to the current date if none is given.


NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. Patches welcomed.


  @intraday_steps = $fb->intraday_steps();
  @intraday_steps = $fb->intraday_steps('2010-10-20');

Returns a list of hashrefs, each of the form ( time = value )>. Times are in five minute intervals, running from '00:00' to '23:55'. Values are the number of steps taken during that particular interval of the day.

Note that when requesting data for the current day, you still get the full range of time values, even though some of them haven't occurred yet.

Takes a date argument; defaults to the current date if none is given.


    $minutes_active_hashref = $fb->minutes_active();
    $minutes_active_hashref = $fb->minutes_active('2010-10-20');

Returns a hashref containing information about the time spent in the 'lightly', 'fairly', and 'very' activity levels for the given date. Defaults to the current date if none given.

Values are expressed in fractional hours. I.e., if the 'very' key has a value of '0.50', that indicates that 30 minutes were spent in that activity level.


    $steps_taken = $fb->steps_taken();
    $steps_taken = $fb->steps_taken('2010-10-20');

Returns the number of steps taken on the given date. Defaults to the current date if none given.


    $hours_asleep = $fb->time_asleep();
    $hours_asleep = $fb->time_asleep('2010-10-20');

Returns the amount of time spent asleep on the given day. Defaults to the current date if none given.

The value is expressed in fractional hours. I.e., a value of 7.5 indicates 7 hours and 30 minutes spent asleep.

TODO Currently unclear if this value is the sum of all sleeps on a given day or just the value from the first or the value from the longest.


    $times_woken_up = $fb->times_woken_up();
    $times_woken_up = $fb->times_woken_up('2010-10-20');

Returns the number of times woken up on the given day. Defaults to the current date if none given.

TODO Currently unclear if this value is the sum of all sleeps on a given day or just the value from the first or the value from the longest.


    $weight = $fb->weight();
    $weight = $fb->weight('2010-10-20');

Returns the weight value for a given date, or the current date if none is given.

Note that the value returned for a day where no explict value was entered is an interpolation done on the FitBit server side. Currently there is no way to retrieve only the data that was explictly entered.


At this time, if you attempt to tally the intraday (5min) logs for the total daily number, this number will NOT match the number from the equivalent API call for the total number. This is due to the way that FitBit feeds the intraday values via XML to the flash-graph chart. All numbers are whole numbers, and this rounding issue causes the detailed log tally to be between 10-100 points higher.

For example:

    # Calling total = 2122
    print "Total calories burned = " . $fb->calories_burned . "\n";

    # Tallying total from log entries = 2157
    my $total = 0;
    for my $day ( $fb->intraday_calories_burned ) {
      my( $time , $value ) = %$day;
      $total += $value;


Eric Blue did the initial version of this module, which solved most of the annoying issues around deciphering the URL parameters and XML formats.


The FitBit site

Eric's original announcement


  • John SJ Anderson <>

  • Eric Blue <>


This software is copyright (c) 2010 by John SJ Anderson.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.