podloc - Localization of PODs inside the CPAN distributions
podloc is supposed to be a namespace where the localization of a module resist. The target is to make a clean concept about integration of translation of PODs, so that automatic processes can catch this stuff up and show individual documentation for the users.
To begin we just defined that we translate "chapter by chapter" of the POD that has to be translated. So podloc is NOT the space for adding documentations on like an additional german introduction, which has nothing todo with the original english documentation. It should always have the exactly same POD structure as the file that it translate, even tho it should just get a .pod file and not the full .pm of course.
The package name of the .pod file will always be: podloc::LOCALE::MODULE
So for example: podloc::de_DE::local::lib
So far the translation should get linked from the untranslated POD of the module to the podloc::LOCALE::MODULE. Longtime it should get integrated in more processes so that its easily available for the user directly on the CPAN pages.
Inside the podloc namespace, we will also establish a package for every locale like podloc::de_DE
which will include instructions in that local language for the translators, so that they got some hints specific to their language (for example problem that "you" in german can be translated into a formal and a non-formal way, the decision about this will be going into this documentation).
Also a webpage will get part of this project to bring on an easy frontend for translator to help on support this.
Please contact us on #perldoc if you want to help on making more translations. Every translation helps!
Torsten Raudssus <>
This documentation is free, and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself.