Changes for version 0.37_04 - 2009-10-08
- Mouse::Meta::Role::Composite
- Fix and improve role composition mechanism (gfx)
- Import a number of tests from Moose, and fix various bugs (gfx)
- Mouse::Tiny is always generated in Makefile.PL (gfx)
Changes for version 0.37_03 - 2009-10-07
- Mouse::Exporter
- Add Mouse::Exporter (gfx)
- Mouse::Meta::Method::Constructor
- Optimize generated constructors (gfx)
- Mouse::Meta::Role
- Implement role application to instances (gfx)
Changes for version 0.37_02 - 2009-10-04
- Mouse
- Implement the argument/inner keywords
- Mouse::Meta::Attribute
- Add get_read_method_ref() and get_write_method_ref() (gfx)
- Add find_attribute_by_name() (gfx)
- Fix clone_and_inherit_options() to deal with 'traits' (gfx)
- Mouse::Util
- Fix meta() method, which was not tested (gfx)
- Tests
- Port t/010_basics/*.t from Moose
Changes for version 0.37_01 - 2009-10-01
- Type coercions are stored to type constraints (gfx)
- Refactor the type parser to parse 'ArrayRef[Object|Int]' (gfx)
- Remove Class::MOP specific subroutines from Mouse::Meta::Module (gfx) (this change might be reverted in the release version)
- version, authority, identifier, get_all_metaclasses, store_metaclass_by_name, weaken_metaclass, does_metaclass_exist, remove_metaclass_by_name
- Add new public utilities to Mouse::Util (gfx)
- class_of, the counterpart for Class::MOP::class_of
- get_metaclass_by_name for Class::MOP::get_metaclass_by_name
Moose minus the antlers
make an import() and unimport() just like
The Mouse attribute metaclass
The Mouse class metaclass
A Mouse Method metaclass
The base class for Mouse::Meta::Class and Mouse::Meta::Role
The Mouse Role metaclass
A Mouse Method metaclass for Roles
The Mouse Type Constraint metaclass
The base object for Mouse classes
The Mouse Role
Features, with or without their dependencies
Type constraint system for Mouse
Use Mouse, unless Moose is already loaded. (DEPRECATED)
Use Mouse::Role, unless Moose::Role is already loaded. (DEPRECATED)
syntactic sugar to make Mouse one-liners easier
in lib/Mouse/Meta/Method/
in lib/Mouse/Meta/Method/
in lib/Mouse/Meta/Method/
in lib/Mouse/Meta/Role/
in lib/Mouse/
in lib/Mouse/