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$MouseX::Getopt::Basic::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
$MouseX::Getopt::Basic::VERSION = '0.31';
# ABSTRACT: MouseX::Getopt::Basic - role to implement the Getopt::Long functionality
use Carp ();
use Getopt::Long 2.37 ();
has ARGV => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', metaclass => "NoGetopt");
has extra_argv => (is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', metaclass => "NoGetopt");
sub new_with_options {
my ($class, @params) = @_;
my $config_from_file;
if($class->meta->does_role('MouseX::ConfigFromFile')) {
local @ARGV = @ARGV;
# just get the configfile arg now; the rest of the args will be
# fetched later
my $configfile;
my $opt_parser = Getopt::Long::Parser->new( config => [ qw( no_auto_help pass_through ) ] );
$opt_parser->getoptions( "configfile=s" => \$configfile );
if(!defined $configfile) {
my $cfmeta = $class->meta->find_attribute_by_name('configfile');
$configfile = $cfmeta->default if $cfmeta->has_default;
if (ref $configfile eq 'CODE') {
# not sure theres a lot you can do with the class and may break some assumptions
# warn?
$configfile = &$configfile($class);
if (defined $configfile) {
$config_from_file = eval {
if ($@) {
die $@ unless $@ =~ /Specified configfile '\Q$configfile\E' does not exist/;
else {
$config_from_file = $class->get_config_from_file($configfile);
my $constructor_params = ( @params == 1 ? $params[0] : {@params} );
Carp::croak("Single parameters to new_with_options() must be a HASH ref")
unless ref($constructor_params) eq 'HASH';
my %processed = $class->_parse_argv(
options => [
$class->_attrs_to_options( $config_from_file )
params => $constructor_params,
my $params = $config_from_file ? { %$config_from_file, %{$processed{params}} } : $processed{params};
# did the user request usage information?
if ( $processed{usage} and $params->{help_flag} )
ARGV => $processed{argv_copy},
extra_argv => $processed{argv},
( $processed{usage} ? ( usage => $processed{usage} ) : () ),
%$constructor_params, # explicit params to ->new
%$params, # params from CLI
sub _getopt_spec { shift->_traditional_spec(@_); }
sub _parse_argv {
my ( $class, %params ) = @_;
local @ARGV = @{ $params{params}{argv} || \@ARGV };
my ( $opt_spec, $name_to_init_arg ) = $class->_getopt_spec(%params);
# Get a clean copy of the original @ARGV
my $argv_copy = [ @ARGV ];
my @warnings;
my ( $parsed_options, $usage ) = eval {
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, @_ };
return $class->_getopt_get_options(\%params, $opt_spec);
$class->_getopt_spec_warnings(@warnings) if @warnings;
$class->_getopt_spec_exception(\@warnings, $@) if $@;
# Get a copy of the Getopt::Long-mangled @ARGV
my $argv_mangled = [ @ARGV ];
my %constructor_args = (
map {
$name_to_init_arg->{$_} => $parsed_options->{$_}
} keys %$parsed_options,
return (
params => \%constructor_args,
argv_copy => $argv_copy,
argv => $argv_mangled,
( defined($usage) ? ( usage => $usage ) : () ),
sub _getopt_get_options {
my ($class, $params, $opt_spec) = @_;
my %options;
Getopt::Long::GetOptions(\%options, @$opt_spec);
return ( \%options, undef );
sub _getopt_spec_warnings { }
sub _getopt_spec_exception {
my ($self, $warnings, $exception) = @_;
die @$warnings, $exception;
sub _getopt_full_usage {
my ($self, $usage) = @_;
sub _usage_format {
return "usage: %c %o";
sub _traditional_spec {
my ( $class, %params ) = @_;
my ( @options, %name_to_init_arg, %options );
foreach my $opt ( @{ $params{options} } ) {
push @options, $opt->{opt_string};
my $identifier = $opt->{name};
$identifier =~ s/\W/_/g; # Getopt::Long does this to all option names
$name_to_init_arg{$identifier} = $opt->{init_arg};
return ( \@options, \%name_to_init_arg );
sub _compute_getopt_attrs {
my $class = shift;
sort { $a->insertion_order <=> $b->insertion_order }
grep {
$_->name !~ /^_/
} grep {
} $class->meta->get_all_attributes
sub _get_cmd_flags_for_attr {
my ( $class, $attr ) = @_;
my $flag = $attr->name;
my @aliases;
if ($attr->does('MouseX::Getopt::Meta::Attribute::Trait')) {
$flag = $attr->cmd_flag if $attr->has_cmd_flag;
@aliases = @{ $attr->cmd_aliases } if $attr->has_cmd_aliases;
return ( $flag, @aliases );
sub _attrs_to_options {
my $class = shift;
my $config_from_file = shift || {};
my @options;
foreach my $attr ($class->_compute_getopt_attrs) {
my ( $flag, @aliases ) = $class->_get_cmd_flags_for_attr($attr);
my $opt_string = join(q{|}, $flag, @aliases);
if ($attr->name eq 'configfile') {
$opt_string .= '=s';
elsif ($attr->has_type_constraint) {
my $type = $attr->type_constraint;
if (MouseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap->has_option_type($type)) {
$opt_string .= MouseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap->get_option_type($type)
push @options, {
name => $flag,
init_arg => $attr->init_arg,
opt_string => $opt_string,
required => $attr->is_required && !$attr->has_default && !$attr->has_builder && !exists $config_from_file->{$attr->name},
# this "feature" was breaking because
# Getopt::Long::Descriptive would return
# the default value as if it was a command
# line flag, which would then override the
# one passed into a constructor.
# See 100_gld_default_bug.t for an example
# - SL
#( ( $attr->has_default && ( $attr->is_default_a_coderef xor $attr->is_lazy ) ) ? ( default => $attr->default({}) ) : () ),
( $attr->has_documentation ? ( doc => $attr->documentation ) : () ),
return @options;
no Mouse::Role;
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
MouseX::Getopt::Basic - MouseX::Getopt::Basic - role to implement the Getopt::Long functionality
## In your class
package My::App;
use Mouse;
with 'MouseX::Getopt::Basic';
has 'out' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1);
has 'in' => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', required => 1);
# ... rest of the class here
## in your script
use My::App;
my $app = My::App->new_with_options();
# ... rest of the script here
## on the command line
% perl --in file.input --out file.dump
This is like L<MouseX::Getopt> and can be used instead except that it
doesn't make use of L<Getopt::Long::Descriptive> (or "GLD" for short).
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new_with_options
See L<MouseX::Getopt/new_with_options>.
=head1 AUTHORS
=over 4
=item *
NAKAGAWA Masaki <>
=item *
FUJI Goro <>
=item *
Stevan Little <>
=item *
Brandon L. Black <>
=item *
Yuval Kogman <>
=item *
Ryan D Johnson <>
=item *
Drew Taylor <>
=item *
Tomas Doran <>
=item *
Florian Ragwitz <>
=item *
Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsaker <>
=item *
Avar Arnfjord Bjarmason <>
=item *
Chris Prather <>
This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.