Text::Xslate - High performance template engine


This document describes Text::Xslate version 0.1010.


use Text::Xslate;
use FindBin qw($Bin);

my $tx = Text::Xslate->new(
    # the fillowing options are optional.
    path       => ['.'],
    cache_dir  => File::Spec->tmpdir,
    cache      => 1,

my %vars = (
    title => 'A list of books',
    books => [
        { title => 'Islands in the stream' },
        { title => 'Programming Perl'      },
        { title => 'River out of Eden'     },
        { title => 'Beautiful code'        },

# for files
print $tx->render('hello.tx', \%vars);

# for strings
my $template = q{
    <h1><: $title :></h1>
    : for $books ->($book) {
        <li><: $book.title :></li>
    : } # for

print $tx->render_string($template, \%vars);

# you can tell the engine that some strings are already escaped.
use Text::Xslate qw(escaped_string);

$vars{email} = escaped_string('gfx &lt;gfuji at;');
# or
$vars{email} = Text::Xslate::EscapedString->new(
    'gfx &lt;gfuji at;',
); # if you don't want to pollute your namespace.

# if you want Template-Toolkit syntx:
$tx = Text::Xslate->new(syntax => 'TTerse');
# ...


Text::Xslate is a template engine tuned for persistent applications. This engine introduces the virtual machine paradigm. That is, templates are compiled into xslate opcodes, and then executed by the xslate virtual machine just like as Perl does.

This software is under development. Version 0.1xxx is a developing stage, which may include radical changes. Version 0.2xxx and more will be somewhat stable.


High performance

Xslate has an virtual machine written in XS, which is highly optimized. According to benchmarks, Xslate is 2-10 times faster than other template engines (Template-Toolkit, HTML::Template::Pro, Text::MicroTemplate, etc).

Template cascading

Xslate supports template cascading, which allows you to extend templates with block modifiers. It is like traditional template inclusion, but is more powerful.

This mechanism is also called as template inheritance.

Syntax alternation

The Xslate engine and parser/compiler are completely separated so that one can use alternative parsers.

Currently, TTerse, a Template-Toolkit-like parser, is supported as an alternative.



Text::Xslate->new(%options) :XslateEngine

Creates a new xslate template engine.

Possible options are:

path => \@path // ["."]

Specifies the include paths.

cache => $level // 1

Sets the cache level.

If $level == 1 (default), Xslate caches compiled templates on the disk, and checks the freshness of the original templates every time.

If $level >= 2, caches will be created but the freshness will not be checked.

$level == 0 creates no caches. It's provided for testing.

cache_dir => $dir // File::Spec->tmpdir

Specifies the directory used for caches.

function => \%functions

Specifies functions.

Functions may be called as f($arg) or $arg | f.

import => [$module => ?\@import_args, ...]

Imports functions from $module. @import_args is optional.

For example:

my $tx = Text::Xslate->new(
    import => ['Data::Dumper'], # use Data::Dumper
print $tx->render_string(
    '<: Dumper($x) :>',
    { x => [42] },
# => $VAR = [42]

You can use function based modules with the import option and invoke object methods in templates. Thus, Xslate doesn't require namespaces for plugins.

input_layer => $perliolayers // ":utf8"

Specifies PerlIO layers for reading templates.

syntax => $moniker

Specifies the template syntax you use.

If $moniker is undefined, the default parser will be used.

$tx->render($file, \%vars) :Str

Renders a template file with variables, and returns the result.

Note that $file may be cached according to the cache level.

$tx->render_string($string, \%vars) :Str

Renders a template string with variables, and returns the result.

Note that $string is never cached so that this method is suitable for testing.

$tx->load_file($file) :Void

Loads $file for following render($file, \%vars). Compiles and caches it if needed.

This method may be used for pre-compiling template files.

Exportable functions

escaped_string($str :Str) -> EscapedString

Marks $str as escaped. Escaped strings will not be escaped by the template engine, so you have to escape these strings by yourself.

For example:

my $tx   = Text::Xslate->new();
my $tmpl = 'Mailaddress: <: $email :>';
my %vars = (
    email => "Foo &lt;;",
print $tx->render_string($tmpl, \%email);
# => Mailaddress: Foo &lt;;

html_escape($str :Str) -> EscapedString

Escapes html special characters in $str, and returns a escaped string (see above).


There are syntaxes you can use:


Kolon is the default syntax, using <: ... :> tags and : ... line code, which is explained in Text::Xslate::Syntax::Kolon.


Metakolon is the same as Kolon except for using [% ... %] tags and % ... line code, instead of <: ... :> and : ....


TTerse is a syntax that is a subset of Template-Toolkit 2, which is explained in Text::Xslate::Syntax::TTerse.


There are common notes in the Xslate virtual machine.

Nil handling

You cannot use undef as a valid value. The use of undef will cause fatal errors as if use warnings FALTAL = "all"> was specified. However, unlike Perl, you can use equal operators to check whether the value is defined or not:

: if $value == nil { ; }
: if $value != nil { ; }

[% # on TTerse syntax -%]
[% IF $value == nil %] [% END %]
[% IF $value != nil %] [% END %]

Or, you can also use defined-or operator (//):

: # on Kolon syntax
Hello, <: $value // "Xslate" :> world!

[% # on TTerse syntax %]
Hello, [% $value // "Xslate" %] world!


Perl 5.10.0 or later, and a C compiler.


All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug to cpan-RT. Patches are welcome :)


Xslate template syntaxes:




Other template modules:











Thanks to lestrrat for the suggestion to the interface of render().

Thanks to tokuhirom for the ideas, feature requests, encouragement, and bug-finding.

Thanks to gardejo for the proposal to the name "template cascading".

Thanks to jjn1056 to the concept of template overlay (now implemented as cascade with ...).


Fuji, Goro (gfx) <gfuji(at)>


Copyright (c) 2010, Fuji, Goro (gfx). All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.