Changes for version 0.1015 - 2010-05-14

    • Fix literal_to_value(), which could break values (reported by xaicron)
    • Missing prerequisites: MouseX::Getopt (reported by xaicron)


Process Xslate Templates
Text::Xslate constants in pure Perl


High performance template engine
The Xslate compiler
The escaped string representation
Yet another Text::Xslate runtime in pure Perl
Text::Xslate constants in pure Perl
Text::Xslate EscapedString in pure Perl
Text::Xslate opcodes in pure Perl
Text::Xslate pure-Perl virtual machine state
The base class of template parsers
The symbol representation used by parsers
The default template syntax
The same as Kolon but using [% ... %] tags
An alternative syntax like Template-Toolkit 2
A set of utilities for Xslate


in lib/Text/Xslate/
in lib/Text/Xslate/
in lib/Text/Xslate/PP/
in lib/Text/Xslate/PP/
in lib/Text/Xslate/PP/