#!c:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -w
=head1 NAME
update_resources.pl - Utility to update all databases referenced in metabolomics-references project.
=head1 USAGE
=over 4
=item B<function01>
=item B<function02>
=head1 AUTHOR
Prenom Nom E<lt>franck.giacomoni@inrae.frE<gt>
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc update_resources.pl
=head1 LICENSE
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 VERSION
version 1 : 2020/04/24
version 2 : ??
# Included modules and versions
## Perl modules
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Carp qw (cluck croak carp) ;
use FindBin ; ## Allows you to locate the directory of original perl script
use Text::CSV ;
## Specific Perl Modules (PFEM)
use lib $FindBin::Bin ;
## Dedicate Perl Modules (Home made...)
## Initialized values
my $ProgramName = basename($0) ;
my $OptionHelp = undef ;
my $VerboseLevel = undef ;
## Config var
my $Database = 'MTHFRAG' ; # DB: KNAPSACK, MTHFRAG
my $Input = '../MS_fragments-adducts-isotopes__V1.1.txt' ;
my $databaseFile = '../Knapsack__V1_1.csv' ;
my $databaseNewFile = './tmp/Knapsack.new' ;
&GetOptions ( "h|help" => \$OptionHelp, # HELP
"v|verbose=i" => \$VerboseLevel, # Level of verbose (0 to 2)
"database=s" => \$Database, # DB: knapsack, ...
"input|i=s" => \$Input, # DB: KNAPSACK, MTHFRAG
) ;
## if you put the option -help or -h function help is started
if ( defined($OptionHelp) ){ &help ; }
if ( (defined $Database) and ($Database eq 'KNAPSACK') ) {
&updateKnapsack($databaseFile) ;
elsif ( (defined $Database) and ($Database eq 'MTHFRAG') ) {
&validateMTHFragmentList($Input) ;
=head2 METHOD validateMTHFragmentList
## Description : validate a new released fragments list file by parsing content and counting lines
## Input : $dbFile
## Output : 0
## Usage : &validateMTHFragmentList ( $dbFile ) ;
sub validateMTHFragmentList {
## Retrieve Values
my ( $source ) = @_;
my %fragment = (
_TYPE_ => 'type',
_DELTA_MASS_ => 'delta_mass',
_LOSSES_OR_GAINS_ => 'losses_or_gains',
_ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE_ => 'annotation_in_pos_mode',
_ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE_ => 'annotation_in_neg_mode',
) ;
my $entriesNb = 0 ;
my $checker = 0 ;
my @fragments = () ;
print "##\n## * * * VALIDATION OF $source * * * ##\n##\n" ;
my $csv = Text::CSV->new ( { 'sep_char' => "\t", binary => 1, auto_diag => 1, eol => "\n" } ) # should set binary attribute.
or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag ();
open my $fh, "<", $source or die "$source: $!";
## Checking header of the source file
$csv->header ($fh, { munge_column_names => sub {
my $uc_col = '_'.uc$_.'_' ;
if ($_ ne 'example_valine' ) {
$fragment{$uc_col} or die "Unknown column '$_' in $source";
while (my $row = $csv->getline_hr ($fh)) {
my %currentFrag = %fragment ;
print "[INFO] START checking line $entriesNb...\t\t" ;
## Check and control TYPE
if ( ($row->{'type'} ) and ( ($row->{'type'} eq 'adduct') or ($row->{'type'} eq 'isotope') or ($row->{'type'} eq 'fragment') or ($row->{'type'} eq 'pseudomolecular ion') ) ) {
$currentFrag{_TYPE_} = $row->{'type'} ;
$checker++ ;
else {
warn "\t[WARN] The type for line $entriesNb is undef or unknown ($row->{'type'}) \n" ;
$currentFrag{_TYPE_} = undef ;
## Check and control DELTA_MASS
if ( ($row->{'delta_mass'} ) and ($row->{'delta_mass'} > 0 or $row->{'delta_mass'} < 0) ) {
$currentFrag{_DELTA_MASS_} = $row->{'delta_mass'} ;
$checker++ ;
else {
warn "\t[WARN] The delta_mass for line $entriesNb is undef or equal to 0\n" ;
$currentFrag{_DELTA_MASS_} = undef ;
## Check and control LOSSES OR GAINS
if ( ($row->{'losses_or_gains'} ) and ($row->{'losses_or_gains'} ne '' ) ) {
$currentFrag{_LOSSES_OR_GAINS_} = $row->{'losses_or_gains'} ;
$checker++ ;
else {
warn "\t[WARN] The losses or gains for line $entriesNb is undef or void\n" ;
$currentFrag{_LOSSES_OR_GAINS_} = undef ;
$currentFrag{_ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE_} = $row->{'annotation_in_pos_mode'} ;
$currentFrag{_ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE_} = $row->{'annotation_in_neg_mode'} ;
my %tmp = %currentFrag ;
push(@fragments, \%tmp ) ;
## Checker control
if ($checker == 3 ) { print " line is OK\n" ; } # end of the message
if ($checker < 3 ) { print "\n" ; }
$checker = 0 ;
$entriesNb ++ ;
print Dumper @fragments ;
return (0) ;
### END of SUB
=head2 METHOD updateKnapsack
## Description : update Knapsack database on its web portal by crawling
## Input : $var3
## Output : $var4
## Usage : my ( $var4 ) = updateKnapsack ( $var3 ) ;
sub updateKnapsack {
## Retrieve Values
my ( $dbFile, ) = @_;
my ( $lastID, $nbEntries ) = ( 0, 0 ) ;
## Get Last id in last CSV file version
print "[INFO] Parsing Knapsack current version...\n" ;
my $csv = Text::CSV->new ( {'sep_char' => ",", binary => 1 } ) # should set binary attribute.
or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag ();
open my $fh, "<:encoding(utf8)", $dbFile or die "Can't open csv file $dbFile: $!";
while ( my $row = $csv->getline( $fh ) ) {
if ($row->[0] eq 'knapsackid') {
next ;
# print Dumper $row ;
if ( $row->[0] =~ /^C([0-9]*)/ ) {
$nbEntries++ ;
my $id = $1 ;
if ( (defined $id ) and ($id > $lastID) ) {
$lastID = $id ;
else {
next ;
$csv->eof or $csv->error_diag();
close $fh;
print "[INFO] Knapsack db parsed with: $nbEntries entries\n" ;
print "[INFO] Last Knapsack id in exported db is: $lastID\n" ;
## test if new ids exists on knapsack online db
# Knapsack ID format is 00051737
my $tryAgain = 'TRUE' ;
my ($runNbTrue, $runNbFalse) = (0, 0) ;
my $thresholdFalse = 10 ;
my $thresholdTrue = 1000 ;
my %NewKnapSackDump = () ;
my $newId = $lastID ;
while ($tryAgain eq 'TRUE') {
$newId = $newId+1 ;
# my $newId = 53000 ;
my $newFormattedId = 'C'.sprintf '%08s', $newId ;
print "[INFO] Trying to find new data with Knapsack id: $newFormattedId\n" ;
if (defined $newFormattedId) {
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $results = $ua->get("$url");
if ($results->content =~/<font class=er>Input key word error!! <br>/) {
print "[WARN] This ID ($newFormattedId) doesn't exist in knapsack db today\n" ;
$runNbFalse ++ ;
if ($runNbFalse >= $thresholdFalse) {
$tryAgain = 'FALSE' ;
else {
$runNbTrue ++ ;
$runNbFalse = 0 ;
my $id = undef ;
## Parsing data
if ($results->content =~/<title>KNApSAcK Metabolite Information - (.*)<\/title>/) {
$NewKnapSackDump{$1}{'knapsackid'} = $1 ;
$id = $1 ;
if ($results->content =~/<th class="inf">Name<\/th>\n\s+<td colspan="4" class="inf">(.*)<\/td>/) {
my $tempname = $1 ;
if ($tempname =~/<br>/) {
my @names = split (/<br>/,$tempname ) ;
$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'name'} = $names[0] ;
else {
$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'name'} = $tempname ;
if ($results->content =~/<th class="inf">Formula<\/th>\n\s+<td colspan="4">(.*)<\/td>/) {
$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'formula'} = $1 ;
if ($results->content =~/<th class="inf">Mw<\/th>\n\s+<td colspan="4">(.*)<\/td>/) {
$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'mw'} = $1 ;
if ($results->content =~/<th class="inf">CAS RN<\/th>\n\s+<td colspan="4">(.*)<\/td>/) {
$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'cas'} = $1 ;
if ($results->content =~/<th class="inf">InChIKey<\/th>\n\s+<td colspan="4">(.*)<\/td>/) {
$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'inchikey'} = $1 ;
if ($results->content =~/<th class="inf">InChICode<\/th>\n\s+<td colspan="4">(.*)<\/td>/) {
$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'inchi'} = $1 ;
## Cutoff !
if ($runNbTrue >= $thresholdTrue) {
$tryAgain = 'FALSE' ;
# print Dumper $results->content ;
# print Dumper %NewKnapSackDump ;
## print into file
open(CSV, '>:utf8', $databaseNewFile) or die "Cant' create the file $databaseNewFile\n" ;
foreach my $id (sort keys %NewKnapSackDump) {
## Generate missing inchikey based on inchi
# TODO...
# Avoid compound without cpd_name and exact_mass...
if ( ( $NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'name'} ) and ( $NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'name'} ne '' ) and ( $NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'mw'} ) and ( $NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'mw'} > 0 ) ) {
print "$id,\"$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'name'}\",$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'formula'},$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'mw'},$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'cas'},$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'inchikey'}\n" ;
print CSV "$id,\"$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'name'}\",$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'formula'},$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'mw'},$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'cas'},$NewKnapSackDump{$id}{'inchikey'}\n" ;
close(CSV) ;
return () ;
### END of SUB
# Help subroutine called with -h option
# number of arguments : 0
# Argument(s) :
# Return : 1
sub help {
print STDERR <<EOF ;
### $ProgramName ###
# AUTHOR: Franck Giacomoni
# VERSION: 1.0
# CREATED: 2020/04/24
# USAGE: $ProgramName or $ProgramName -o options
exit(1) ;
## END of script - F Giacomoni