Changes for version 0.09 - 2019-03-27
- Fix introspection of boolean targets attributes
- Fix backward compatibility for acab option for RevolutionaryDate MsgMaker
- Add PromptUser massage maker with documentation and tests
- Allow to extend message crafting to something else than computing the revolutionary date
- Move testing Mastodon and Twitter into regular tests (only authentication needs actual params)
- Fix command line parameters in test of locales
- Fix doc for sections in command line parameters wich should be followed by underscore, not dash
- Use IO::Handle when testing print to output for Twitter and Mastodon
- Improve readability of methods arguments
- Fix yet another typo in doc
- Fix another typo in doc
- Fix typo in doc
- Fix acab time in doc
Spread date and time from Revolutionary (Republican) Calendar
Spread date and time from Revolutionary (Republican) Calendar on Twitter, Mastodon and Freenode.
Companion class of App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate, to handle configuration file and command line arguments, subclass of AppConfig.
Role providing interface for crafting a message to be spread by App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate.
MsgMaker class for App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate to build message by prompting user
MsgMaker class for App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate to build message with revolutionary date
Role providing interface for targets of App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate.
Target class for App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate to handle spreading on Freenode.
Subclass overriding Bot::BasicBot to post a message on some Freenode channels
Target class for App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate to handle spreading on Mastodon.
Target class for App::SpreadRevolutionaryDate to handle spreading on Twitter.