RPC::Xmlrpc_c::ClientSimple - Perl extension for XML-RPC For C/C++ client


use RPC::Xmlrpc_c::ClientSimple;

$client = RPC::Xmlrpc_c::ClientSimple->new();

$client->call(SERVERURL => 'http://localhost:8080/RPC2',
              METHOD    => 'sample.add',
              PARAMS    => [ 5, 7 ],
              RESULT    => \$result,
              ERROR     => \$error);
print("Sum of 5 and 7 is $result\n");


This module performs XML-RPC client functions, via the executable libraries of XML-RPC For C/C++. I.e. you can write an XML-RPC client program using this.

This is like RPC::Xmlrpc_c::Client, but less flexible and consequently easier to use.

It has the same advantages as RPC::Xmlrpc_c::Client over the alternative Perl XML-RPC facility, RPC::XML.

Here are the things you can't do with ClientSimple. If you want to do these things, use RPC::Xmlrpc_c::Client instead and write more lines of code.

  • You can't use an XML transport other than the Xmlrpc-c Curl transport (which is based on the well known Curl HTTP library).

  • You can't supply any carriage parameters other than the server URL. Carriage parameters are things that tell the XML transport how to deliver the XML back and forth. Examples of carriage parameters you might want to specify are userid/password and SSL certificate library location.

  • You can't find out why client creation failed. When new() fails, it simply returns an undefined value. In contrast, RPC::Xmlrpc_c::Client gives you an English explanation of the failure.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 41:

'=item' outside of any '=over'

=over without closing =back