Get configuration information


In order to create an su module, from this directory,

you will need access to the self-instructions of the
seismic unix module, which I find in:

1. modify the following:

 by adding a line, such as the following:
	$file_in[0] 				= 'xgraph.Xtcwp.main';

2. run the following:

 perl ( under ~L_SU)

sub file_dialog_type_aref

 The type of dialog (Data, Path, Flow, SaveAs) is needed during MB3 binding
 Use one type of dialog for each index
 'Flow' will go to PL_SEISMIC by default
 'Flow' creates a directory path on the parameter value in GUI (why -- TODO)
 'Data' will go to seismic su data by default or
 whatever the *_spec file defines the DATA_DIR_IN or DATA_DIR_OUT which could be,
 'Data' does not create a directory path on the parameter value in GUI (why -- TODO)
 'Path' searches for only a directory PATH
 SaveAs goes to  PL_SEISMIC


sub binding_index_aref


Interactive general x-t picking 


Interactive general x-t picking 

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 353:

=cut found outside a pod block. Skipping to next block.