Perl package:
AUTHOR: Juan Lorenzo
DATE: Nov 3 2017
V 0.1
interactive file and path manipulation
CHANGES: Nov 14 2018 now works on user-built
as well as pre-built superflows
Declare local variables
private hash
15 keys and values
works for both user-built and pre-built superflows JML Nov-14-2018 Allows mutiple file formats (bin,su,txt) within a single program: 6.4.21
sub get_Open_perl_flow_path
sub get_Open_path
sub get_SaveAs_path
sub get_Data_path
get DATA path from SPEC file
corresponding to the program name
make sure to remove unneeded ticks in strings
used in user-built flows
for very specific programs (data_in, suop2)
and for pre-built user flows in the general case
TODO: separate the determination of data paths for user-built flows
and pre-built flows
sub get_Path
get DATA path from SPEC file
corresponding to the program name
make sure to remove unneeded ticks in strings
Only used by _pre_built_superflow_open_path
prepend appropriately the path to the
final path in the parameter value
e.g. Z becomes /home/gom/ProjectHome/site/spare_directory/etc..../Z
you can do this by using
the current index
current program name
the current value of the parameter
the previous indices
the values or the previous parameters
sub get_prog_name_href
sub get_prog_name_s
match the names of configuration files using aliases,
which have hyphens, e.g. Project_Variables
However, program names may be different: e.g. ProjectVariables
sub _get_prog_name
give scalar reference to program name
sub _set4getpath
sub set_dialog_type
sub set_dialog_type
sub set_entry
force entry point from gui to be an Entry widget
sub set_flow_type_h
sub set_parameter_value_index
Index of selected parameter
sub set_prog_name_sref
give scalar reference to program name