PROGRAM NAME: suspecfk
AUTHOR: Juan Lorenzo (Perl module only)
DATE: July 1 2016
DESCRIPTION: A package that makes using and understanding suspecfk easier
This Program derives from suspecfk in Seismic Unix
'_note' keeps track of actions for use in graphics
'_Step' keeps track of actions for execution in the system
Seismic Unix Notes
SUSPECFK - F-K Fourier SPECtrum of data set
suspecfk <infile >outfile [optional parameters]
Optional parameters:
dt=from header time sampling interval
dx=from header(d2) or 1.0 spatial sampling interval
verbose=0 verbose = 1 echoes information
tmpdir= if non-empty, use the value as a directory path
prefix for storing temporary files; else if the
the CWP_TMPDIR environment variable is set use
its value for the path; else use tmpfile()
Note: To facilitate further processing, the sampling intervals
in frequency and wavenumber as well as the first
frequency (0) and the first wavenumber are set in the
output header (as respectively d1, d2, f1, f2).
Note: The relation: w = 2 pi F is well known, but there doesn't seem to be a commonly used letter corresponding to F for the spatial conjugate transform variable. We use K for this. More specifically we assume a phase: i(w t - k x) = 2 pi i(F t - K x). and F, K define our notion of frequency, wavenumber.
Description of Subroutines
Subroutine clear
Sets all variable strings to '' (nothing)
Subroutine dt
sampling interval
Subroutine dx
sparation between traces
Subroutine tmpdir
work directory which can be defined
Subroutine verbose
echoes steps during progress of filtering
Subroutine Step
Keeps track of actions for execution in the system
Subroutine note
Keeps track of actions for possible use in graphics
sub get_max_index
max index = number of input variables -1