Changes for version 0.016 - 2012-09-13

  • Interpolate environment variables in the whole ACL specification for check-acls.
  • Make the .pl extension optional in configuring plugins.
  • Make im_memberof an exported routine of Git::Hooks.
  • The group specification is now given by the githooks.groups variable. This is an incompatible change, since previously it was given by the check-acls.groups variable.
  • Implement Git::More::get_affected_files. This routine returns a hash mapping every affected file in a sequence of commits to a letter telling its affected status.
  • Allow check-acls.userenv be given by a code snippet to be evaluated.


Git::Hooks plugin for branch/tag access control.
Git::Hooks plugin which requires citation of JIRA issues in commit messages.


A framework for implementing Git hooks.
An extension of App::gh::Git with some goodies for hook developers.