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package Git::Hooks;
$Git::Hooks::VERSION = '1.2.0';
# ABSTRACT: Framework for implementing Git (and Gerrit) hooks
use 5.010;
use strict;
use Exporter qw/import/;
use Data::Util qw(:all);
use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
use List::MoreUtils qw/uniq/;
our (@EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, %EXPORT_TAGS); ## no critic (Modules::ProhibitAutomaticExportation)
my (%Hooks, @PostHooks);
BEGIN { ## no critic (Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking)
my @installers =
for my $installer (@installers) {
my $hook = lc $installer;
$hook =~ tr/_/-/;
$installer => sub (&) {
my ($foo) = @_;
$Hooks{$hook}{$foo} ||= sub { $foo->(@_); };
@EXPORT = (@installers, 'run_hook');
@EXPORT_OK = qw/is_ref_enabled im_memberof match_user im_admin file_temp
eval_gitconfig post_hook redirect_output restore_output/;
%EXPORT_TAGS = (utils => \@EXPORT_OK);
# The following routines are invoked after all hooks have been
# processed. Some hooks may need to take a global action depending on
# the overall result of all hooks.
sub post_hook {
my ($sub) = @_;
push @PostHooks, $sub;
sub is_ref_enabled {
my ($ref, @specs) = @_;
return 1 if ! defined $ref || @specs == 0;
foreach (@specs) {
if (/^\^/) {
return 1 if $ref =~ qr/$_/;
} else {
return 1 if $ref eq $_;
return 0;
# The routine redirect_output redirects STDOUT and STDERR to a temporary
# file and returns a reference that should be passed to the routine
# restore_output to restore the handles to their original state.
sub redirect_output {
## no critic (RequireBriefOpen, RequireCarping)
open(my $oldout, '>&', \*STDOUT) or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
open(my $olderr, '>&', \*STDERR) or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!";
my ($tempfh, $tempfile) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1);
open(STDOUT , '>' , $tempfile) or die "Can't redirect STDOUT to \$tempfile: $!";
open(STDERR , '>&', \*STDOUT) or die "Can't dup STDOUT for STDERR: $!";
## use critic
return [$oldout, $olderr, $tempfile];
# This routine gets a reference returned by redirect_output, restores STDOUT
# and STDERR to their previous state and returns a string containing every
# output since the previous call to redirect_output.
sub restore_output {
my ($saved) = @_;
my ($oldout, $olderr, $tempfile) = @$saved;
## no critic (RequireCarping)
open(STDOUT, '>&', $oldout) or die "Can't dup \$oldout: $!";
open(STDERR, '>&', $olderr) or die "Can't dup \$olderr: $!";
## use critic
return read_file($tempfile);
# This is an internal routine used to invoke external hooks, feed them
# the needed input and wait for them.
sub spawn_external_hook {
my ($git, $file, $hook, @args) = @_;
my $prefix = '[' . __PACKAGE__ . '(' . basename($file) . ')]';
my $saved_output = redirect_output();
if ($hook =~ /^(?:pre-receive|post-receive|pre-push|post-rewrite)$/) {
# These hooks receive information via STDIN that we read once
# before invoking any hook. Now, we must regenerate the same
# information and output it to the external hooks we invoke.
my $stdin = join("\n", map {join(' ', @$_)} @{$git->get_input_data}) . "\n";
my $pid = open my $pipe, '|-'; ## no critic (InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen)
if (! defined $pid) {
$git->error($prefix, "can't fork: $!");
} elsif ($pid) {
# parent
print $pipe $stdin;
my $exit = close $pipe;
my $output = restore_output($saved_output);
if ($exit) {
warn $output, "\n" if length $output;
return 1;
} elsif ($!) {
$git->error($prefix, "Error closing pipe to external hook: $!", $output);
} else {
$git->error($prefix, "External hook exited with code $?", $output);
} else {
# child
{ exec {$file} ($hook, @args) };
die "$prefix: can't exec: $!\n";
} else {
if (@args && ref $args[0]) {
# This is a Gerrit hook and we need to expand its arguments
@args = %{$args[0]};
my $exit = system {$file} ($hook, @args);
my $output = restore_output($saved_output);
if ($exit == 0) {
warn $output, "\n" if length $output;
return 1;
} else {
my $message = do {
if ($exit == -1) {
"failed to execute external hook: $!";
} elsif ($exit & 127) {
sprintf("external hook died with signal %d, %s coredump",
($exit & 127), ($exit & 128) ? 'with' : 'without');
} else {
sprintf("'$file' exited abnormally with value %d", $exit >> 8);
$git->error($prefix, $message, $output);
return 0;
sub file_temp {
my ($git, $rev, $file, @args) = @_;
state $cache = {};
my $blob = "$rev:$file";
unless (exists $cache->{$blob}) {
# create temporary file and copy contents to it
my $tmp = File::Temp->new(@args);
my ($pipe, $ctx) = $git->command_output_pipe(qw/cat-file blob/, $blob);
my $read;
while ($read = sysread $pipe, my $buffer, 64 * 1024) {
my $length = length $buffer;
my $offset = 0;
while ($length) {
my $written = syswrite $tmp, $buffer, $length, $offset;
defined $written
or $git->error(__PACKAGE__, "Internal error: can't write to '$tmp->filename()': $!")
and return;
$length -= $written;
$offset += $written;
defined $read
or $git->error(__PACKAGE__, "Internal error: can't read from git cat-file pipe: $!")
and return;
$git->command_close_pipe($pipe, $ctx);
$cache->{$blob} = $tmp;
return $cache->{$blob};
sub grok_groups_spec {
my ($groups, $specs, $source) = @_;
foreach (@$specs) {
s/\#.*//; # strip comments
next unless /\S/; # skip blank lines
or die __PACKAGE__, ": invalid line in '$source': $_\n";
my ($groupname, $members) = ($1, $2);
exists $groups->{"\@$groupname"}
and die __PACKAGE__, ": redefinition of group ($groupname) in '$source': $_\n";
foreach my $member (split / /, $members) {
if ($member =~ /^\@/) {
# group member
$groups->{"\@$groupname"}{$member} = $groups->{$member}
or die __PACKAGE__, ": unknown group ($member) cited in '$source': $_\n";
} else {
# user member
$groups->{"\@$groupname"}{$member} = undef;
sub grok_groups {
my ($git) = @_;
my $cache = $git->cache('githooks');
unless (exists $cache->{groups}) {
my @groups = $git->get_config(githooks => 'groups')
or die __PACKAGE__, ": you have to define the githooks.groups option to use groups.\n";
my $groups = {};
foreach my $spec (@groups) {
if (my ($groupfile) = ($spec =~ /^file:(.*)/)) {
my @groupspecs = read_file($groupfile);
defined $groupspecs[0]
or die __PACKAGE__, ": can't open groups file ($groupfile): $!\n";
grok_groups_spec($groups, \@groupspecs, $groupfile);
} else {
my @groupspecs = split /\n/, $spec;
grok_groups_spec($groups, \@groupspecs, "githooks.groups");
$cache->{groups} = $groups;
return $cache->{groups};
sub im_memberof {
my ($git, $myself, $groupname) = @_;
my $groups = grok_groups($git);
exists $groups->{$groupname}
or die __PACKAGE__, ": group $groupname is not defined.\n";
my $group = $groups->{$groupname};
return 1 if exists $group->{$myself};
while (my ($member, $subgroup) = each %$group) {
next unless defined $subgroup;
return 1 if im_memberof($git, $myself, $member);
return 0;
sub match_user {
my ($git, $spec) = @_;
if (my $myself = $git->authenticated_user()) {
if ($spec =~ /^\^/) {
return 1 if $myself =~ $spec;
} elsif ($spec =~ /^@/) {
return 1 if im_memberof($git, $myself, $spec);
} else {
return 1 if $myself eq $spec;
return 0;
sub im_admin {
my ($git) = @_;
foreach my $spec ($git->get_config(githooks => 'admin')) {
return 1 if match_user($git, $spec);
return 0;
sub eval_gitconfig {
my ($config) = @_;
my $value;
if ($config =~ s/^file://) {
$value = do $config;
unless ($value) {
die "couldn't parse '$config': $@\n" if $@;
die "couldn't do '$config': $!\n" unless defined $value;
die "couldn't run '$config'\n" unless $value;
} elsif ($config =~ s/^eval://) {
$value = eval $config; ## no critic (BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringyEval)
die "couldn't parse '$config':\n$@\n" if $@;
} else {
$value = $config;
return $value;
# The following routines prepare the arguments for some hooks to make
# it easier to deal with them later on.
# Some hooks get information from STDIN as text lines with
# space-separated fields. This routine reads up all of STDIN and tucks
# that information in the Git::More object.
sub _prepare_input_data {
my ($git) = @_;
while (<STDIN>) { ## no critic (InputOutput::ProhibitExplicitStdin)
# The pre-receive and post-receive hooks get the list of affected
# commits via STDIN. This routine gets them all and set all affected
# refs in the Git object.
sub _prepare_receive {
my ($git) = @_;
foreach (@{$git->get_input_data()}) {
my ($old_commit, $new_commit, $ref) = @$_;
$git->set_affected_ref($ref, $old_commit, $new_commit);
# The update hook get three arguments telling which reference is being
# updated, from which commit, to which commit. Here we use these
# arguments to set the affected ref in the Git object.
sub _prepare_update {
my ($git, $args) = @_;
# Gerrit hooks get a list of option/value pairs. Here we convert the
# list into a hash and change the original argument list into a single
# hash-ref. We also record information about the user performing the
# push. Based on:
sub _prepare_gerrit_args {
my ($git, $args) = @_;
my %opt = @$args;
# Each Gerrit hook receive the full name and email of the user
# performing the hooked operation via a specific option in the
# format "User Name (". Here we grok it.
my $user =
$opt{'--uploader'} ||
$opt{'--author'} ||
$opt{'--submitter'} ||
$opt{'--abandoner'} ||
$opt{'--restorer'} ||
$opt{'--reviewer'} ||
# Here we make the name and email available in two environment
# variables (GERRIT_USER_NAME and GERRIT_USER_EMAIL) so that
# Git::More::authenticated_user can more easily grok the userid
# from them later.
if ($user && $user =~ /([^\(]+)\s+\(([^\)]+)\)/) {
$ENV{GERRIT_USER_NAME} = $1; ## no critic (Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars)
$ENV{GERRIT_USER_EMAIL} = $2; ## no critic (Variables::RequireLocalizedPunctuationVars)
# Now we create a Gerrit::REST object connected to the Gerrit
# server and tack it to the hook arguments so that Gerrit plugins
# can interact with it.
# We 'require' the module instead of 'use' it because it's only
# used if one sets up Gerrit hooks, which may not be the most
# common usage of Git::Hooks.
eval {require Gerrit::REST}
or die __PACKAGE__, ": Can't require Gerrit::REST module.\n";
$opt{gerrit} = do {
my %info;
foreach my $arg (qw/url username password/) {
$info{$arg} = $git->get_config('githooks.gerrit' => $arg)
or die __PACKAGE__, ": Missing githooks.gerrit.$arg configuration variable.\n";
Gerrit::REST->new(@info{qw/url username password/});
@$args = (\%opt);
# The ref-update Gerrit hook is invoked synchronously when a user
# pushes commits to a branch. So, it acts much like Git's standard
# 'update' hook. This routine prepares the options as usual and sets
# the affected ref accordingly. The documented arguments for the hook
# are these:
# ref-update --project <project name> --refname <refname> --uploader \
# <uploader> --oldrev <sha1> --newrev <sha1>
sub _prepare_gerrit_ref_update {
my ($git, $args) = @_;
_prepare_gerrit_args($git, $args);
$git->set_affected_ref(@{$args->[0]}{qw/--refname --oldrev --newrev/});
# The following routine is the post_hook used by the Gerrit hooks
# patchset-created and draft-published. It basically casts a vote on the
# patchset based on the errors found during the hook processing.
sub _gerrit_patchset_post_hook {
my ($hook_name, $git, $args) = @_;
my $resource = do {
my $change = $args->{'--change'}
or die __PACKAGE__, ": Missing --change argument to Gerrit's $hook_name hook.\n";
my $patchset = $args->{'--patchset'}
or die __PACKAGE__, ": Missing --patchset argument to Gerrit's $hook_name hook.\n";
my $review_label = $git->get_config('githooks.gerrit' => 'review-label') || 'Code-Review';
my %params;
if (my @errors = $git->get_errors()) {
$params{labels} = { $review_label => $git->get_config('githooks.gerrit' => 'vote-nok') || -1 };
$params{message} = join("\n\n", @errors);
} else {
$params{labels} = { $review_label => $git->get_config('githooks.gerrit' => 'vote-ok') || +1 };
if (my $comment = $git->get_config('githooks.gerrit' => 'comment-ok')) {
$params{message} = "[Git::Hooks] $comment";
my $eval = eval { $args->{gerrit}->POST($resource, \%params) };
unless ($eval) {
my $error = $@;
require Data::Dumper;
die __PACKAGE__ . ": error in Gerrit::REST::POST(\n" . Data::Dumper::Dumper($resource, \%params) . ")\n: $error\n";
# Gerrit's patchset-created hook is invoked when a commit is pushed to a
# refs/for/* branch for revision. It's invoked asynchronously, i.e., it
# can't stop the push to happen. Instead, if it detects any problem, we must
# reject the commit via Gerrit's own revision process. So, we prepare a post
# hook action in which we see if there were errors that should be signaled
# via a code review action. Note, however, that draft changes can only be
# accessed by their respective owners and usually can't be voted on by the
# hook. So, draft changes aren't voted on and we exit the hook prematurely.
# The arguments for the hook are these:
# patchset-created --change <change id> --is-draft <boolean> \
# --kind <change kind> --change-url <change url> \
# --change-owner <change owner> --project <project name> \
# --branch <branch> --topic <topic> --uploader <uploader>
# --commit <sha1> --patchset <patchset id>
# Gerrit's draft-published hook is invoked when a draft change is
# published. In this state they're are visible by the hook and can be voted
# on. The arguments for the hook are these:
# draft-published --change <change id> --change-url <change url> \
# --change-owner <change owner> --project <project name> \
# --branch <branch> --topic <topic> --uploader <uploader> \
# --commit <sha1> --patchset <patchset id>
sub _prepare_gerrit_patchset {
my ($git, $args) = @_;
_prepare_gerrit_args($git, $args);
exit(0) if exists $args->[0]{'--is-draft'} and $args->[0]{'--is-draft'} eq 'true';
# The %prepare_hook hash maps hook names to the routine that must be
# invoked in order to "prepare" their arguments.
my %prepare_hook = (
'update' => \&_prepare_update,
'pre-push' => \&_prepare_input_data,
'post-rewrite' => \&_prepare_input_data,
'pre-receive' => \&_prepare_receive,
'post-receive' => \&_prepare_receive,
'ref-update' => \&_prepare_gerrit_ref_update,
'patchset-created' => \&_prepare_gerrit_patchset,
'draft-published' => \&_prepare_gerrit_patchset,
# This routine loads every plugin configured in the githooks.plugin
# option.
sub _load_plugins {
my ($git) = @_;
my @enabled_plugins = map {split} $git->get_config(githooks => 'plugin');
my %disabled_plugins = map {($_ => undef)} map {split} $git->get_config(githooks => 'disable');
return unless @enabled_plugins; # no one configured
# Define the list of directories where we'll look for the hook
# plugins. First the local directory 'githooks' under the
# repository path, then the optional list of directories
# specified by the githooks.plugins config option, and,
# finally, the Git::Hooks standard hooks directory.
my @plugin_dirs = grep {-d} (
$git->get_config(githooks => 'plugins'),
catfile(dirname($INC{'Git/'}), 'Hooks'),
foreach my $plugin (uniq @enabled_plugins) {
next if exists $disabled_plugins{$plugin}; # disabled by full name
my $prefix = '';
if ($plugin =~ s/(.+::)//) {
next if exists $disabled_plugins{$plugin}; # disabled by basename
$prefix = $1;
next if exists $ENV{$plugin} && ! $ENV{$plugin}; # disabled by environment variable
my $exit = do {
if ($prefix) {
# It must be a module name
eval "require $prefix$plugin"; ## no critic (ProhibitStringyEval, RequireCheckingReturnValueOfEval)
} else {
# Otherwise, it's a basename that we must look for
# in @plugin_dirs
$plugin .= '.pm' unless $plugin =~ /\.p[lm]$/i;
my @scripts = grep {-f} map {catfile($_, $plugin)} @plugin_dirs;
my $script = shift @scripts
or die __PACKAGE__, ": can't find enabled hook $plugin.\n";
$plugin = $script; # for the error messages below
do $script;
unless ($exit) {
die __PACKAGE__, ": couldn't parse $plugin: $@\n" if $@;
die __PACKAGE__, ": couldn't do $plugin: $!\n" unless defined $exit;
die __PACKAGE__, ": couldn't run $plugin\n";
# This is the main routine of Git::Hooks. It gets the original hook
# name and arguments, sets up the environment, loads plugins and
# invokes the appropriate hook functions.
sub run_hook { ## no critic (Subroutines::ProhibitExcessComplexity)
my ($hook_name, @args) = @_;
$hook_name = basename $hook_name;
my $git = Git::More->repository();
# Don't show context in error messages if requested
$git->nocarp if $git->get_config(githooks => 'nocarp');
# Some hooks need some argument munging before we invoke them
if (my $prepare = $prepare_hook{$hook_name}) {
$prepare->($git, \@args);
# Call every hook function installed by the hook scripts before.
foreach my $hook (values %{$Hooks{$hook_name}}) {
my $ok = eval { $hook->($git, @args) };
if (defined $ok) {
# Modern hooks return a boolean value indicating their success.
# If they fail they invoke Git::More::error.
} elsif (length $@) {
# Old hooks die when they fail...
$git->error(__PACKAGE__ . "($hook_name)", "Hook failed", $@);
} else {
# ...and return undef when they succeed.
# Invoke enabled external hooks. This doesn't work in Windows yet.
if ($^O ne 'MSWin32' && $git->get_config(githooks => 'externals')) {
foreach my $dir (
grep {-e} map {catfile($_, $hook_name)}
($git->get_config(githooks => 'hooks'), catfile($git->repo_path(), 'hooks.d'))
) {
opendir my $dh, $dir
or $git->error(__PACKAGE__, ": cannot opendir '$dir'", $!)
and next;
foreach my $file (grep {-f && -x} map {catfile($dir, $_)} readdir $dh) {
spawn_external_hook($git, $file, $hook_name, @args)
or $git->error(__PACKAGE__, ": error in external hook '$file'");
# Some hooks want to do some post-processing
foreach my $post_hook (@PostHooks) {
$post_hook->($hook_name, $git, @args);
if (scalar($git->get_errors())) {
if (($hook_name eq 'commit-msg' or $hook_name eq 'pre-commit')
and not $git->get_config(githooks => 'abort-commit')) {
warn <<"EOF";
ATTENTION: To fix the problems in this commit, please consider
amending it:
git commit --amend # to amend it
} else {
die "\n";
1; # End of Git::Hooks
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Git::Hooks - Framework for implementing Git (and Gerrit) hooks
=head1 VERSION
version 1.2.0
A single script can implement several Git hooks:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Git::Hooks;
my ($git) = @_;
# ...
my ($git, $msg_file) = @_;
# ...
run_hook($0, @ARGV);
Or you can use Git::Hooks plugins or external hooks, driven by the
single script below. These hooks are enabled by Git configuration
options. (More on this later.)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Git::Hooks;
run_hook($0, @ARGV);
=for Pod::Coverage spawn_external_hook grok_groups_spec grok_groups
"Git is a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system with an
unusually rich command set that provides both high-level operations
and full access to
internals. (L<Git README|>)"
In order to really understand what this is all about you need to
understand L<Git|> and its hooks. You can read
everything about this in the
L<documentation|> references on that
specifically named program that is called by the git program during
the execution of some operations. At the last count, there were
exactly 16 different hooks which can be used. They must reside under
the C<.git/hooks> directory in the repository. When you create a new
repository, you get some template files in this directory, all of them
having the C<.sample> suffix and helpful instructions inside
explaining how to convert them into working hooks.
When Git is performing a commit operation, for example, it calls these
four hooks in order: C<pre-commit>, C<prepare-commit-msg>,
C<commit-msg>, and C<post-commit>. The first three can gather all
sorts of information about the specific commit being performed and
decide to reject it in case it doesn't comply to specified
policies. The C<post-commit> can be used to log or alert interested
parties about the commit just done.
There are several useful hook scripts available elsewhere, e.g.
L<>. However, when you try to
combine the functionality of two or more of those scripts in a single
hook you normally end up facing two problems.
=item B<Complexity>
In order to integrate the functionality of more than one script you
have to write a driver script that's called by Git and calls all the
other scripts in order, passing to them the arguments they
need. Moreover, some of those scripts may have configuration files to
read and you may have to maintain several of them.
=item B<Inefficiency>
This arrangement is inefficient in two ways. First because each script
runs as a separate process, which usually have a high start up cost
because they are, well, scripts and not binaries. (For a dissent view
on this, see
And second, because as each script is called in turn they have no
memory of the scripts called before and have to gather the information
about the transaction again and again, normally by calling the C<git>
command, which spawns yet another process.
Git::Hooks is a framework for implementing Git hooks and driving
existing external hooks in a way that tries to solve these problems.
Instead of having separate scripts implementing different
functionality you may have a single script implementing all the
functionality you need either directly or using some of the existing
plugins, which are implemented by Perl scripts in the Git::Hooks::
namespace. This single script can be used to implement all standard
hooks, because each hook knows when to perform based on the context in
which the script was called.
If you already have some handy hooks and want to keep using them,
don't worry. Git::Hooks can drive external hooks very easily.
=head1 USAGE
There are a few simple steps you should do in order to set up
Git::Hooks so that you can configure it to use some predefined plugins
or start coding your own hooks.
The first step is to create a generic script that will be invoked by
Git for every hook. If you are implementing hooks in your local
repository, go to its C<.git/hooks> sub-directory. If you are
implementing the hooks in a bare repository in your server, go to its
C<hooks> sub-directory.
You should see there a bunch of files with names ending in C<.sample>
which are hook examples. Create a three-line script called, e.g.,
C<>, in this directory like this:
$ cd /path/to/repo/.git/hooks
$ cat > <<EOT
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Git::Hooks;
run_hook($0, @ARGV);
$ chmod +x
Now you should create symbolic links pointing to it for each hook you
are interested in. For example, if you are interested in a
C<commit-msg> hook, create a symbolic link called C<commit-msg>
pointing to the C<> file. This way, Git will invoke the
generic script for all hooks you are interested in. (You may create
symbolic links for all 16 hooks, but this will make Git call the
script for all hooked operations, even for those that you may not be
interested in. Nothing wrong will happen, but the server will be doing
extra work for nothing.)
$ ln -s commit-msg
$ ln -s post-commit
$ ln -s pre-receive
As is, the script won't do anything. You have to implement some hooks
in it, use some of the existing plugins, or set up some external
plugins to be invoked properly. Either way, the script should end with
a call to C<run_hook> passing to it the name with which it was called
(C<$0>) and all the arguments it received (C<@ARGV>).
=head2 Implementing Hooks
You may implement your own hooks using one of the hook I<directives>
described in the HOOK DIRECTIVES section below. Your hooks may be
implemented in the generic script you have created. They must be
defined after the C<use Git::Hooks> line and before the C<run_hook()>
A hook should return a boolean value indicating if it was
successful. B<run_hook> dies after invoking all hooks if at least one
of them returned false.
B<run_hook> invokes the hooks inside an eval block to catch any
exception, such as if a B<die> is used inside them. When an exception
is detected the hook is considered to have failed and the exception
string (B<$@>) is showed to the user.
The best way to produce an error message is to invoke the
B<Git::More::error> method passing a prefix and a message for uniform
For example:
# Check if every added/updated file is smaller than a fixed limit.
my $LIMIT = 10 * 1024 * 1024; # 10MB
my ($git) = @_;
my @changed = $git->command(qw/diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=AM/);
my $errors = 0;
foreach ($git->command('ls-files' => '-s', @changed)) {
my ($mode, $sha, $n, $name) = split / /;
my $size = $git->command('cat-file' => '-s', $sha);
$size <= $LIMIT
or $git->error('CheckSize', "File '$name' has $size bytes, more than our limit of $LIMIT"
and $errors++;
return $errors == 0;
# Check if every added/changed Perl file respects Perl::Critic's code
# standards.
my ($git) = @_;
my %violations;
my @changed = grep {/\.p[lm]$/} $git->command(qw/diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=AM/);
foreach ($git->command('ls-files' => '-s', @changed)) {
my ($mode, $sha, $n, $name) = split / /;
require Perl::Critic;
state $critic = Perl::Critic->new(-severity => 'stern', -top => 10);
my $contents = $git->command('cat-file' => $sha);
my @violations = $critic->critique(\$contents);
$violations{$name} = \@violations if @violations;
if (%violations) {
# FIXME: this is a lame way to format the output.
require Data::Dumper;
$git->error('Perl::Critic Violations', Data::Dumper::Dumper(\%violations));
return 0;
return 1;
Note that you may define several hooks for the same operation. In the
above example, we've defined two PRE_COMMIT hooks. Both are going to
be executed when Git invokes the generic script during the pre-commit
You may implement different kinds of hooks in the same generic
script. The function C<run_hook()> will activate just the ones for
the current Git phase.
=head2 Using Plugins
There are several hooks already implemented as plugin modules, which
you can use. Some are described succinctly below. Please, see their
own documentation for more details.
=item * Git::Hooks::CheckAcls
Allow you to specify Access Control Lists to tell who can commit or
push to the repository and affect which Git refs.
=item * Git::Hooks::CheckFile
Check if the contents of newly added or modified files comply with specified
=item * Git::Hooks::CheckJira
Integrate Git with the L<JIRA|>
ticketing system by requiring that every commit message cites valid
JIRA issues.
=item * Git::Hooks::CheckLog
Check commit log messages formatting.
=item * Git::Hooks::CheckRewrite
Check if a B<git rebase> or a B<git commit --amend> is safe, meaning
that no rewritten commit is contained by any other branch besides the
current one. This is useful, for instance, to prevent rebasing commits
already pushed.
=item * Git::Hooks::CheckStructure
Check if newly added files and reference names (branches and tags) comply
with specified policies, so that you can impose a strict structure to the
repository's file and reference hierarchies.
=item * Git::Hooks::GerritChangeId
Inserts a C<Change-Id> line in the commit log message to allow
integration with Gerrit's code review system.
Each plugin may be used in one or, sometimes, multiple hooks. Their
documentation is explicit about this.
These plugins are configured by Git's own configuration framework,
using the C<git config> command or by directly editing Git's
configuration files. (See C<git help config> to know more about Git's
configuration infrastructure.)
To enable a plugin you must add it to the C<githooks.plugin>
configuration option.
The CONFIGURATION section below explains this in more detail.
=head2 Invoking external hooks
Since the default Git hook scripts are taken by the symbolic links to
the Git::Hooks generic script, you must install any other hooks
somewhere else. By default, the C<run_hook> routine will look for
external hook scripts in the directory C<.git/hooks.d> (which you must
create) under the repository. Below this directory you should have
another level of directories, named after the default hook names,
under which you can drop your external hooks.
For example, let's say you want to use some of the hooks in the
L<standard Git
You should copy each of those scripts to a file under the appropriate
hook directory, like this:
=item * C<.git/hooks.d/pre-auto-gc/pre-auto-gc-battery>
=item * C<.git/hooks.d/pre-commit/setgitperms.perl>
=item * C<.git/hooks.d/post-receive/post-receive-email>
=item * C<.git/hooks.d/update/update-paranoid>
Note that you may install more than one script under the same
hook-named directory. The driver will execute all of them in a
non-specified order.
If any of them exits abnormally, B<run_hook> dies with an appropriate
error message.
=head2 Gerrit Hooks
L<Gerrit|> is a web based code review and project
management for Git based projects. It's based on
L<JGit|>, which is a pure Java
implementation of Git.
Gerrit doesn't support Git standard hooks. However, it implements its own
B<Git::Hooks> currently supports only three of Gerrit hooks:
=head3 ref-update
The B<ref-update> hook is executed synchronously when a user performs
a push to a branch. It's purpose is the same as Git's B<update> hook
and Git::Hooks's plugins usually support them both together.
=head3 patchset-created
The B<patchset-created> hook is executed asynchronously when a user
performs a push to one of Gerrit's virtual branches (refs/for/*) in
order to record a new review request. This means that one cannot stop
the request from happening just by dying inside the hook. Instead,
what one needs to do is to use Gerrit's API to accept or reject the
new patchset as a reviewer.
Git::Hooks does this using a C<Gerrit::REST> object. There are a few
configuration options to set up this Gerrit interaction, which are
described below.
This hook's purpose is usually to verify the project's policy
compliance. Plugins that implement C<pre-commit>, C<commit-msg>,
C<update>, or C<pre-receive> hooks usually also implement this Gerrit
Since draft patchsets are visible only by their owners, the
B<patchset-created> hook is unusable because it uses a fixed user to
authenticate. So, Git::Hooks exit prematurely when invoked as the
B<patchset-created> hook for a draft change.
=head3 draft-published
The B<draft-published> hook is executed when the user publishes a draft
change, making it visible to other users. Since the B<patchset-created> hook
doesn't work for draft changes, the B<draft-published> hook is a good time
to work on them. All plugins that work on the B<patchset-created> also work
on the B<draft-published> hook to cast a vote when drafts are published.
Git::Hooks is configured via Git's own configuration
infrastructure. There are a few global options which are described
below. Each plugin may define other specific options which are
described in their own documentation. The options specific to a plugin
usually are contained in a configuration subsection of section
C<githooks>, named after the plugin base name. For example, the
C<Git::Hooks::CheckAcls> plugin has its options contained in the
configuration subsection C<githooks.checkacls>.
You should get comfortable with C<git config> command (read C<git help
config>) to know how to configure Git::Hooks.
When you invoke C<run_hook>, the command C<git config --list> is
invoked to grok all configuration affecting the current
repository. Note that this will fetch all C<--system>, C<--global>,
and C<--local> options, in this order. You may use this mechanism to
define configuration global to a user or local to a repository.
Gerrit keeps its repositories in a hierarchy and its specific configuration
mechanism takes advantage of that to allow a configuration definition in a
parent repository to trickle down to its children repositories. Git::Hooks
uses Git's native configuration mechanisms and doesn't support Gerrit's
mechanism, which is based on configuration files kept in a dettached
C<refs/meta/config> branch. But you can implement a hierarchy of
configuration files by using Git's inclusion mechanism. Please, read the
"Includes" section of C<git help config> to know how.
=head2 githooks.plugin PLUGIN...
To enable one or more plugins you must add them to this configuration
option, like this:
$ git config --add githooks.plugin CheckAcls CheckJira
You can add another list to the same variable to enable more plugins,
like this:
$ git config --add githooks.plugin CheckLog
This is usefull, for example, to enable some plugins globally and
others locally, per repository.
A plugin may hook itself to one or more hooks. C<CheckJira>, for
example, hook itself to three: C<commit-msg>, C<pre-receive>, and
C<update>. It's important that the corresponding symbolic links be
created pointing from the hook names to the generic script so that the
hooks are effectively invoked.
In the previous examples, the plugins were referred to by their short
names. In this case they are looked for in three places, in this
=item 1.
In the C<githooks> directory under the repository path (usually in
C<.git/githooks>), so that you may have repository specific hooks (or
repository specific versions of a hook).
=item 2.
In every directory specified with the C<githooks.plugins> option. You
may set it more than once if you have more than one directory holding
your hooks.
=item 3.
In Git::Hooks installation.
The first match is taken as the desired plugin, which is executed (via
C<do>) and the search stops. So, you may want to copy one of the
standard plugins and change it to suit your needs better. (Don't shy
away from sending your changes back to the author, please.)
However, if you use the fully qualified module name of the plugin in
the configuration, then it will be simply C<required> as a normal
module. For example:
$ git config --add githooks.plugin My::Hook::CheckSomething
=head2 githooks.disable PLUGIN...
This option disables plugins enabled by the C<githooks.plugin>
option. It's useful if you want to enable a plugin globally and only
disable it for some repositories. For example:
$ git config --global --add githooks.plugin CheckJira
$ git config --local --add githooks.disable CheckJira
You may also temporarily disable a plugin by assigning to "0" an
environment variable with its name. This is useful sometimes, when you
are denied some perfectly fine commit by one of the check plugins. For
example, suppose you got an error from the CheckLog plugin because you
used an uncommon word that is not in the system's dictionary yet. If
you don't intend to use the word again you can bypass all CheckLog
checks this way:
$ CheckLog=0 git commit
This works for every hook. For plugins specified by fully qualified
module names, the environment variable name has to match the last part
of it. For example, to disable the C<My::Hook::CheckSomething> plugin
you must define an environment variable called C<CheckSomething>.
Note, however, that this works for local hooks only. Remote hooks
(like B<update> or B<pre-receive>) are run on the server. You can set
up the server so that it defines the appropriate variable, but this
isn't so useful as for the local hooks, as it's intended for
once-in-a-while events.
=head2 githooks.plugins DIR
This option specify a list of directories where plugins are looked for
besides the default locations, as explained in the C<githooks.plugin>
option above.
=head2 githooks.externals [01]
By default the driver script will look for external hooks after
executing every enabled plugins. You may disable external hooks
invocation by setting this option to 0.
=head2 githooks.hooks DIR
You can tell this plugin to look for external hooks in other
directories by specifying them with this option. The directories
specified here will be looked for after the default directory
C<.git/hooks.d>, so that you can use this option to have some global
external hooks shared by all of your repositories.
Please, see the plugins documentation to know about their own
configuration options.
=head2 githooks.groups GROUPSPEC
You can define user groups in order to make it easier to configure access
control plugins. A group is specified by a GROUPSPEC, which is a multiline
string containing a sequence of group definitions, one per line. Each line
defines a group like this, where spaces are significant only between users
and group references:
groupA = userA userB @groupB userC
Note that a group can reference other groups by name. To make a group
reference, simply prefix its name with an at sign (@). Group references must
reference groups previously defined.
A GROUPSPEC may be in the format C<file:PATH/TO/FILE>, which means that the
external text file C<PATH/TO/FILE> contains the group definitions. The path
may be absolute or relative to the hooks current directory, which is usually
the repository's root in the server. It's syntax is very simple. Blank lines
are skipped. The hash (#) character starts a comment that goes to the end of
the current line. The remaining lines must define groups in the same format
exemplified above.
The may be multiple definitions of this variable, each one defining
different groups. You can't redefine a group.
=head2 githooks.userenv STRING
When Git is performing its chores in the server to serve a push
request it's usually invoked via the SSH or a web service, which take
care of the authentication procedure. These services normally make the
authenticated user name available in an environment variable. You may
tell this hook which environment variable it is by setting this option
to the variable's name. If not set, the hook will try to get the
user's name from the C<GERRIT_USER_EMAIL> or the C<USER> environment
variable, in this order, and let it undefined if it can't figure it
The Gerrit hooks unfortunately do not have access to the user's
id. But they get the user's full name and email instead. Git:Hooks
takes care so that two environment variables are defined in the hooks,
as follows:
This contains the user's full name, such as "User Name".
This contains the user's email, such as "".
If the user name is not directly available in an environment variable
you may set this option to a code snippet by prefixing it with
C<eval:>. The code will be evaluated and its value will be used as the
user name.
For example, if the Gerrit user email is not what you want to use as
the user id, you can set the C<githooks.userenv> configuration option
to grok the user id from one of these environment variables. If the
user id is always identical to the part of the email before the at
sign, you can configure it like this:
git config githooks.userenv \
'eval:(exists $ENV{GERRIT_USER_EMAIL} && $ENV{GERRIT_USER_EMAIL} =~ /([^@]+)/) ? $1 : undef'
This variable is useful for any hook that need to authenticate the
user performing the git action.
=head2 githooks.admin USERSPEC
There are several hooks that perform access control checks before
allowing a git action, such as the ones installed by the C<CheckAcls>
and the C<CheckJira> plugins. It's useful to allow some people (the
"administrators") to bypass those checks. These hooks usually allow
the users specified by this variable to do whatever they want to the
repository. You may want to set it to a group of "super users" in your
team so that they can "fix" things more easily.
The value of each option is interpreted in one of these ways:
=item * username
A C<username> specifying a single user. The username specification
must match "/^\w+$/i" and will be compared to the authenticated user's
name case sensitively.
=item * @groupname
A C<groupname> specifying a single group.
=item * ^regex
A C<regex> which will be matched against the authenticated user's name
case-insensitively. The caret is part of the regex, meaning that it's
anchored at the start of the username.
=head2 githooks.abort-commit [01]
This option is true (1) by default, meaning that the C<pre-commit> and
the C<commit-msg> hooks will abort the commit if they detect anything
wrong in it. This may not be the best way to handle errors, because
you must remember to retrieve your carefully worded commit message
from the C<.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG> to try it again, and it is easy to
forget about it and lose it.
Setting this to false (0) makes these hooks simply warn the user via
STDERR but let the commit succeed. This way, the user can correct any
mistake with a simple C<git commit --amend> and doesn't run the risk
of losing the commit message.
=head2 githooks.nocarp [01]
By default all errors produced by Git::Hooks use L<Carp::croak>, so that
they contain a suffix telling where the error occurred. Sometimes you may
not want this. For instance, if you receive the error message produced by a
server hook you won't be able to use that information.
So, for server hooks you may want to set this configuration variable to 1 to
strip those suffixes from the error messages.
=head2 githooks.gerrit.url URL
=head2 githooks.gerrit.username USERNAME
=head2 githooks.gerrit.password PASSWORD
These three options are required if you enable Gerrit hooks. They are
used to construct the C<Gerrit::REST> object that is used to interact
with Gerrit.
=head2 LABEL
This option defines the
that must be used in Gerrit's review process. If not specified, the standard
C<Code-Review> label is used.
=head2 +N
This option defines the vote that must be used to approve a review. If
not specified, +1 is used.
=head2 -N
This option defines the vote that must be used to reject a review. If
not specified, -1 is used.
=head2 githooks.gerrit.comment-ok COMMENT
By default, when approving a review Git::Hooks simply casts a positive vote
but does not add any comment to the change. If you set this option, it adds
a comment like this in addition to casting the vote:
[Git::Hooks] COMMENT
You may want to use a simple comment like 'OK'.
=head2 run_hook(NAME, ARGS...)
This is the main routine responsible to invoke the right hooks
depending on the context in which it was called.
Its first argument must be the name of the hook that was
called. Usually you just pass C<$0> to it, since it knows to extract
the basename of the parameter.
The remaining arguments depend on the hook for which it's being
called. Usually you just pass C<@ARGV> to it. And that's it. Mostly.
run_hook($0, @ARGV);
Hook directives are routines you use to register routines as hooks.
Each one of the hook directives gets a routine-ref or a single block
(anonymous routine) as argument. The routine/block will be called by
C<run_hook> with proper arguments, as indicated below. These arguments
are the ones gotten from @ARGV, with the exception of the ones
identified by 'GIT' which are C<Git::More> objects that can be used to
grok detailed information about the repository and the current
transaction. (Please, refer to C<Git::More> specific documentation to
know how to use them.)
Note that the hook directives resemble function definitions but they
aren't. They are function calls, and as such must end with a
Some hooks are invoked before an action (e.g., C<pre-commit>) so that
one can check some condition. If the condition holds, they must simply
end without returning anything. Otherwise, they should invoke the
C<error> method on the GIT object passing a suitable error message. On
some hooks, this will prevent Git from finishing its operation.
Other hooks are invoked after the action (e.g., C<post-commit>) so
that its outcome cannot affect the action. Those are usually used to
send notifications or to signal the completion of the action someway.
You may learn about every Git hook by invoking the command C<git help
hooks>. Gerrit hooks are documented in the L<project
Also note that each hook directive can be called more than once if you
need to implement more than one specific hook.
=item * APPLYPATCH_MSG(GIT, commit-msg-file)
=item * PREPARE_COMMIT_MSG(GIT, commit-msg-file [, msg-src [, SHA1]])
=item * COMMIT_MSG(GIT, commit-msg-file)
=item * PRE_REBASE(GIT, upstream [, branch])
=item * POST_CHECKOUT(GIT, prev-head-ref, new-head-ref, is-branch-checkout)
=item * POST_MERGE(GIT, is-squash-merge)
=item * PRE_PUSH(GIT, remote-name, remote-url)
The C<pre-push> hook was introduced in Git 1.8.2. The default hook
gets two arguments: the name and the URL of the remote which is being
pushed to. It also gets a variable number of arguments via STDIN with
lines of the form:
<local ref> SP <local sha1> SP <remote ref> SP <remote sha1> LF
The information from these lines is read and can be fetched by the
hooks using the C<Git::Hooks::get_input_data> method.
The C<pre-receive> hook gets a variable number of arguments via STDIN
with lines of the form:
<old-value> SP <new-value> SP <ref-name> LF
The information from these lines is read and can be fetched by the
hooks using the C<Git::Hooks::get_input_data> method or, perhaps more
easily, by using the C<Git::More::get_affected_refs> and the
C<Git::More::get_affected_ref_rage> methods.
=item * UPDATE(GIT, updated-ref-name, old-object-name, new-object-name)
=item * POST_UPDATE(GIT, updated-ref-name, ...)
=item * PRE_AUTO_GC(GIT)
=item * POST_REWRITE(GIT, command)
The C<post-rewrite> hook gets a variable number of arguments via STDIN
with lines of the form:
<old sha1> SP <new sha1> SP <extra info> LF
The C<extra info> and the preceeding SP are optional.
The information from these lines is read and can be fetched by the
hooks using the C<Git::Hooks::get_input_data> method.
These are Gerrit-specific hooks. Gerrit invokes them passing a list of
option/value pairs which are converted into a hash, which is passed by
reference as the OPTS argument. In addition to the option/value pairs,
a C<Gerrit::REST> object is created and inserted in the OPTS hash with
the key 'gerrit'. This object can be used to interact with the Gerrit
server. For more information, please, read the L</Gerrit Hooks>
Plugins should start by importing the utility routines from
use Git::Hooks qw/:utils/;
Usually at the end, the plugin should use one or more of the hook
directives defined above to install its hook routines in the
appropriate hooks.
Every hook routine receives a Git::More object as its first
argument. You should use it to infer all needed information from the
Git repository.
Please, take a look at the code for the standard plugins under the
Git::Hooks:: namespace in order to get a better understanding about
this. Hopefully it's not that hard.
The utility routines implemented by Git::Hooks are the following:
=head2 post_hook SUB
Plugin developers may be interested in performing some action
depending on the overall result of every check made by every other
hook. As an example, Gerrit's C<patchset-created> hook is invoked
asynchronously, meaning that the hook's exit code doesn't affect the
action that triggered the hook. The proper way to signal the hook
result for Gerrit is to invoke it's API to make a review. But we want
to perform the review once, at the end of the hook execution, based on
the overall result of all enabled checks.
To do that plugin developers can use this routine to register
callbacks that are invoked at the end of C<run_hooks>. The callbacks
are called with the following arguments:
=item * HOOK_NAME
The basename of the invoked hook.
=item * GIT
The Git::More object that was passed to the plugin hooks.
=item * ARGS...
The remaining arguments that were passed to the plugin hooks.
The callbacks may see if there were any errors signalled by the plugin
hook by invoking the C<get_errors> method on the GIT object. They may
be used to signal the hook result in any way they want, but they
should not die or they will prevent other post hooks to run.
=head2 is_ref_enabled(REF, SPEC, ...)
This routine returns a boolean indicating if REF matches one of the
ref-specs in SPECS. REF is the complete name of a Git ref and SPECS is
a list of strings, each one specifying a rule for matching ref names.
As a special case, it returns true if REF is undef or if there is no
SPEC whatsoever, meaning that by default all refs/commits are enabled.
You may want to use it, for example, in an C<update>, C<pre-receive>,
or C<post-receive> hook which may be enabled depending on the
particular refs being affected.
Each SPEC rule may indicate the matching refs as the complete ref
name (e.g. "refs/heads/master") or by a regular expression starting
with a caret (C<^>), which is kept as part of the regexp.
=head2 im_memberof(GIT, USER, GROUPNAME)
This routine tells if USER belongs to GROUPNAME. The groupname is
looked for in the specification given by the C<githooks.groups>
configuration variable.
=head2 match_user(GIT, SPEC)
This routine checks if the authenticated user (as returned by the
C<Git::More::authenticated_user> method) matches the specification,
which may be given in one of the three different forms acceptable for
the C<githooks.admin> configuration variable above, i.e., as a
username, as a @group, or as a ^regex.
=head2 im_admin(GIT)
This routine checks if the authenticated user (again, as returned by
the C<Git::More::authenticated_user> method) matches the
specifications given by the C<githooks.admin> configuration variable.
=head2 eval_gitconfig(VALUE)
This routine makes it easier to grok config values as Perl code. If
C<VALUE> is a string beginning with C<eval:>, the remaining of it is
evaluated as a Perl expression and the resulting value is returned. If
C<VALUE> is a string beginning with C<file:>, the remaining of it is
treated as a file name which contents are evaluated as Perl code and
the resulting value is returned. Otherwise, C<VALUE> itself is
=head2 redirect_output
This routine redirects STDOUT and STDERR to a temporary file and returns a
reference that should be passed to the routine C<restore_output> to restore
the handles to their original state.
=head2 restore_output REF
This routine gets a reference returned by C<redirect_output>, restores
STDOUT and STDERR to their previous state and returns a string containing
every output since the previous call to redirect_output.
=head2 file_temp REV, FILE, ARGS...
This routine returns a C<File::Temp> object representing a temporary file
into which the contents of the file FILE in revision REV has been copied.
The object's filehandle is closed before being returned.
It's useful for hooks that need to read the contents of changed files in
order to check anything in them.
These objects are cached so that if more than one hook needs to get at them
they're created only once.
By default, all temporary files are removed when the hook exits.
Any remaining ARGS are passed as arguments to C<File::Temp::new> so that you
can have more control over the temporary file creation.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=item * C<Git::More>
A Git extension with some goodies for hook developers.
=item * C<Gerrit::REST>
A thin wrapper around Gerrit's REST API.
=head1 AUTHOR
Gustavo L. de M. Chaves <>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by CPqD <>.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.