Git::Hooks::CheckReference - Git::Hooks plugin for checking references


version 2.0.1


This Git::Hooks plugin hooks itself to the hooks below to check if the names of references added to or renamed in the repository meet specified constraints. If they don't, the commit/push is aborted.

  • update

  • pre-receive

  • ref-update

To enable it you should add it to the githooks.plugin configuration option:

git config --add githooks.plugin CheckReference


CheckReference - Git::Hooks plugin for checking references


The plugin is configured by the following git options.

githooks.checkreference.deny REGEXP

This directive denies references with names matching REGEXP.

githooks.checkreference.allow REGEXP

This directive allows references with names matching REGEXP. Since by default all names are allowed this directive is useful only to prevent a githooks.checkreference.deny directive to deny the same name.

The checks are evaluated so that a reference is denied only if it's name matches any deny directive and none of the allow directives. So, for instance, you would apply it like this to allow only the creation of branches with names prefixed by feature/, release/, and hotfix/, denying all others.

[githooks "checkreference"]
    deny  ^refs/heads/
    allow ^refs/heads/(?:feature|release|hotfix)/

Note that the order of the directives is irrelevant.


Gustavo L. de M. Chaves <>


This software is copyright (c) 2017 by CPqD <>.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.