JIRA::Client - An extended interface to JIRA's SOAP API.
Version 0.32
use JIRA::Client;
my $jira = JIRA::Client->new('', 'user', 'passwd');
my $issue = $jira->create_issue(
project => 'TST',
type => 'Bug',
summary => 'Summary of the bug',
assignee => 'gustavo',
components => ['compa', 'compb'],
fixVersions => ['1.0.1'],
custom_fields => {Language => 'Perl', Architecture => 'Linux'},
$issue = eval { $jira->getIssue('TST-123') };
die "Can't getIssue(): $@" if $@;
while (my $issue = $jira->next_issue()) {
# ...
JIRA is a proprietary bug tracking system from Atlassian (
This module implements an Object Oriented wrapper around JIRA's SOAP API, which is specified in (This version is known work against JIRA 4.4.)
Moreover, it implements some other methods to make it easier to do some common operations.
With the exception of the API login
and logout
methods, which aren't needed, all other methods are available through the JIRA::Client object interface. You must call them with the same name as documented in the specification but you should not pass the token
argument, because it is supplied transparently by the JIRA::Client object.
All methods fail by throwing exceptions (croaking, actually). You may want to guard against this by invoking them within an eval block, like this:
my $issue = eval { $jira->getIssue('TST-123') };
die "Can't getIssue('TST-123'): $@" if $@;
Some of the API methods require hard-to-build data structures as arguments. This module tries to make them easier to call by accepting simpler structures and implicitly constructing the more elaborated ones before making the actual SOAP call. Note that this is an option, i.e, you can either pass the elaborate structures by yourself or the simpler ones in the call.
The items below are all the implemented implicit conversions. Wherever a parameter of the type specified first is required (as an rvalue, not as an lvalue) by an API method you can safely pass a value of the type specified second.
- A issue key as a string can be specified by a RemoteIssue object.
- A RemoteComment object can be specified by a string.
- A filterId as a string can be specified by a RemoteFilter object.
- A RemoteFieldValue object array can be specified by a hash mapping field names to values.
This module implements some extra methods to add useful functionality to the API. They are described below. Note that their names don't follow the CamelCase convention used by the native API methods but the more Perlish underscore_separated_words convention so that you can distinguish them and we can avoid future name clashes.
- new JIRAURL, USER, PASSWD [, <SOAP::Lite arguments>]
The JIRA::Client constructor requires three arguments. JIRAURL is JIRA's base URL from which will be constructed it's WSDL descriptor as
. USER and PASSWD are the credentials that will be used to authenticate into JIRA. Any other arguments will be passed to the SOAP::Lite object that will be created to talk to JIRA. - create_issue HASH_REF [, SECURITYLEVEL]
Creates a new issue given a hash containing the initial values for its fields and, optionally, a security-level. The hash must specify at least the fields
, andtype
.This is an easier to use version of the createIssue API method. For once it accepts symbolic values for some of the issue fields that the API method does not. Specifically:
can be specified by name instead of by id.priority
can be specified by name instead of by id.component
can be specified by a list of component names or ids instead of a list ofRemoteComponent
can be specified by a list of version names or ids instead of a list ofRemoteVersion
can be specified by a DateTime object or by a string in ISO standard format (YYYY-MM-DD...). (Note that up to JIRA 4.3 you could pass a string in the format "d/MMM/yy", which was passed as is to JIRA, which expected a string SOAP type. However, since JIRA 4.4 the server expects a date SOAP type, which must be in the ISO standard format.)
It accepts a 'magic' field called parent, which specifies the issue key from which the created issue must be a sub-task.
It accepts another 'magic' field called custom_fields to make it easy to set custom fields. It accepts a hash mapping each custom field to its value. The custom field can be specified by its id (in the format customfield_NNNNN) or by its name, in which case the method will try to convert it to its id. Note that to do that conversion the user needs administrator rights.
A simple custom field value can be specified by a scalar, which will be properly placed inside an ARRAY in order to satisfy the RemoteFieldValue's structure.
Cascading select fields are properly specified like this: The magic short-cut requires a HASH where each cascading level is indexed by its level number, starting at zero. So, instead of specifying it like this:
{ id => 'customfield_10011', values => [ SOAP::Data->type(string => '10031' ) ] }, { id => 'customfield_10011:1', values => [ SOAP::Data->type(string => '10188') ], },
You can do it like this:
{customfield_10011 => {'0' => 10031, '1' => 10188}},
Note that the original hash keys and values are completely preserved.
- update_issue ISSUE_OR_KEY, HASH_REF
Update a issue given a hash containing the values for its fields. The first argument may be an issue key or a RemoteIssue object. The second argument must be a hash-ref specifying the fields's values just like documented in the create_issue function above.
This is an easier to use version of the updateIssue API method because it accepts the same shortcuts that create_issue does.
- get_issue_types
Returns a hash mapping the server's issue type names to the RemoteIssueType objects describing them.
- get_statuses
Returns a hash mapping the server's status names to the RemoteStatus objects describing them.
- get_priorities
Returns a hash mapping a server's priorities names to the RemotePriority objects describing them.
- get_resolutions
Returns a hash mapping a server's resolution names to the RemoteResolution objects describing them.
- get_security_levels PROJECT-KEY
Returns a hash mapping a project's security level names to the RemoteSecurityLevel objects describing them.
- get_custom_fields
Returns a hash mapping JIRA's custom field names to the RemoteField representing them. It's useful since when you get a RemoteIssue object from this API it doesn't contain the custom field's names, but just their identifiers. From the RemoteField object you can obtain the field's id, which is useful when calling the updateIssue method.
The method calls the getCustomFields API method the first time and keeps the custom fields information in a cache.
- set_custom_fields HASHREF
Passes a hash mapping JIRA's custom field names to the RemoteField representing them to populate the custom field's cache. This can be useful if you don't have administrative privileges to the JIRA instance, since only administrators can call the getCustomFields API method.
- get_components PROJECT_KEY
Returns a hash mapping a project's components names to the RemoteComponent objects describing them.
- get_versions PROJECT_KEY
Returns a hash mapping a project's versions names to the RemoteVersion objects describing them.
- get_favourite_filters
Returns a hash mapping the user's favourite filter names to its filter ids.
- set_filter_iterator FILTER [, CACHE_SIZE]
Sets up an iterator for the filter identified by FILTER. It must be called before calls to next_issue.
FILTER can be either a filter id or a filter name, in which case it's converted to a filter id with a call to
.CACHE_SIZE defines the number of issues that will be pre-fetched by nect_issue using
. If not specified, a suitable default will be used. - next_issue
This must be called after a call to set_filter_iterator. Each call returns a reference to the next issue from the filter. When there are no more issues it returns undef.
- progress_workflow_action_safely ISSUE, ACTION, PARAMS
This is a safe and easier to use version of the progressWorkflowAction API method which is used to progress an issue through a workflow's action while making edits to the fields that are shown in the action screen. The API method is dangerous because if you forget to provide new values to all the fields shown in the screen, then the fields not provided will become undefined in the issue. The problem has a pending issue on Atlassian's JIRA
This method plays it safe by making sure that all fields shown in the screen that already have a value are given new (or the same) values so that they don't get undefined. It calls the getFieldsForAction API method to grok all fields that are shown in the screen. If there is any field not set in the ACTION_PARAMS then it calls getIssue to grok the missing fields current values. As a result it constructs the necessary RemoteFieldAction array that must be passed to progressWorkflowAction.
The method is also easier to use because its arguments are more flexible:
can be either an issue key or a RemoteIssue object returned by a previous call to, e.g.,getIssue
can be either an action id or an action name.PARAMS
must be a hash mapping field names to field values. This hash is treated in the same way as the hash passed to the function create_issue above.
For example, instead of using this:
my $action_id = somehow_grok_the_id_of('close'); $jira->progressWorkflowAction('PRJ-5', $action_id, [ RemoteFieldValue->new(2, 'new value'), ..., # all fields must be specified here ]);
And risking to forget to pass some field you can do this:
$jira->progress_workflow_action_safely('PRJ-5', 'close', {2 => 'new value'});
- get_issue_custom_field_values ISSUE, NAME_OR_IDs
This method receives a RemoteField object and a list of names or ids of custom fields. It returns a list of references to the ARRAYs containing the values of the ISSUE's custom fields denoted by their NAME_OR_IDs. Returns undef for custom fields not set on the issue.
In scalar context it returns a reference to the list.
- attach_files_to_issue ISSUE, FILES...
This method attaches one or more files to an issue. The ISSUE argument may be an issue key or a RemoteIssue object. The attachments may be specified in two ways:
A string denotes a filename to be open and read. In this case, the attachment name is the file's basename.
When you want to specify a different name to the attachment or when you already have an IO object (a GLOB, a IO::File, or a FileHandle) you must pass them as values of a hash. The keys of the hash are taken as the attachment name. You can specify more than one attachment in each hash.
The method retuns the value returned by the addBase64EncodedAttachmentsToIssue API method.
In the example below, we attach three files to the issue TST-1. The first is called
and its contents are read from/path/to/file1.txt
. The second is calledtext.txt
and its contents are read from/path/to/file2.txt
. the third is calledme.jpg
and its contents are read from the object refered to by$fh
.$jira->attach_files_to_issue('TST-1', '/path/to/file1.txt', { 'text.txt' => '/path/to/file2.txt', 'me.jpg' => $fh, }, );
- attach_strings_to_issue ISSUE, HASHREF
This method attaches one or more strings to an issue. The ISSUE argument may be an issue key or a RemoteIssue object. The attachments are specified by a HASHREF in which the keys denote the file names and the values their contents.
The method retuns the value returned by the addBase64EncodedAttachmentsToIssue API method.
The JIRA SOAP API uses several types of objects (i.e., classes) for which the Perl SOAP interface does not provide the necessary constructors. This module implements some of them.
- RemoteFieldValue->new ID, VALUES
The RemoteFieldValue object represents the value of a field of an issue. It needs two arguments:
- ID
The field name, which must be a valid key for the ISSUE hash.
A scalar or an array of scalars.
- RemoteCustomFieldValue->new ID, VALUES
The RemoteCustomFieldValue object represents the value of a custom_field of an issue. It needs two arguments:
- ID
The field name, which must be a valid custom_field key.
A scalar or an array of scalars.
- RemoteComponent->new ID, NAME
- RemoteVersion->new ID, NAME
Please, see the examples under the examples
directory in the module distribution.
Gustavo Chaves, <>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-jira-client at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc JIRA::Client
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