SVN::Hooks::CheckStructure - Check the structure of a repository.


This SVN::Hooks plugin checks if the files and directories added to the repository are allowed by its structure definition. If they don't, the commit is aborted.

It's active in the pre-commit hook.

It's configured by the following directive.


This directive enables the checking, causing the commit to abort if it doesn't comply.

The STRUCT_DEF argument specify the repository strucure with a recursive data structure consisting of one of:


An array ref specifies the contents of a directory. The referenced array must contain a pair number of elements. Each pair consists of a NAME_DEF and a STRUCT_DEF. The NAME_DEF specifies the name of the component contained in the directory and the STRUCT_DEF specifies recursively what it must be.

The NAME_DEF specifies a name in one of these ways:


A string specifies a name directly.


A regexp specifies the class of names that match it.


A number may be used as an else-clause. A positive number means that any name not yet matched by the previous pair must conform to the associated STRUCT_DEF.

A negative number means that no name will do and signals an error. In this case, if the STRUCT_DEF is a string it is used as a help message shown to the user.

If no NAME_DEF matches the component being looked for, then it is a structure violation and the commit fails.


A string must be one of 'FILE' and 'DIR', specifying what the current component must be.


A positive number simply tells that whatever the current component is is ok and finishes the check succesfully.

A negative number tells that whatever the current component is is a structure violation and aborts the commit.

Now that we have this semi-formal definition off the way, let's try to understand it with some examples.

my $tag_rx    = qr/^[a-z]+-\d+\.\d+$/; # e.g. project-1.0
my $branch_rx = qr/^[a-z]+-/;	# must start with letters and hifen
my $project_struct = [
    'META.yml'    => 'FILE',
    'Makefile.PL' => 'FILE',
    ChangeLog     => 'FILE',
    LICENSE       => 'FILE',
    MANIFEST      => 'FILE',
    README        => 'FILE',
    t => [
	qr/\.t$/  => 'FILE',
    lib => 'DIR',

	trunk => $project_struct,
	branches => [
	    $branch_rx => $project_rx,
	tags => [
	    $tag_rx => $project_rx,

The structure's first level consists of the three usual directories: trunk, tags, and branches. Anything else in this level is denied.

Below the trunk we allow some usual files and two directories only: lib and t. Below trunk/t we may allow only test files with the .t extension and below lib we allow anything.

We require that each branch and tag have the same structure as the trunk, which is made easier by the use of the $project_struct variable. Moreover, we impose some restrictions on the names of the tags and the branches.


Gustavo Chaves, <>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-svn-hooks-checkstructure at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc SVN::Hooks

You can also look for information at:


Copyright 2008 CPqD, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.