SVN::Hooks::CheckJira - Integrate Subversion with the JIRA ticketing system.
This SVN::Hooks plugin requires that any Subversion commits affecting some parts of the repository structure must make reference to valid JIRA issues in the commit log message. JIRA issues are referenced by their keys which consists of a sequence of uppercase letters separated by an hyfen from a sequence of digits. E.g., CDS-123, RT-1, and SVN-97.
It's active in the pre-commit
It's configured by the following directives.
This directive specifies how to connect and to authenticate to the JIRA server. BASEURL is the base URL of the JIRA server, usually, something like
. LOGIN and PASSWORD are the credentials of a JIRA user who has browsing rights to the JIRA projects that will be referenced in the commit logs.
The fourth argument is optional. It must be a qr/Regexp/ object that will be used to match against the commit logs in order to extract the list of JIRA issue keys. By default, the JIRA keys are looked for in the whole commit log. Sometimes this can be suboptimal because the user can introduce in the message some text that inadvertently looks like a JIRA issue key whithout being so. With this argument, the log message is matched against the REGEXP and only the first matched group (i.e., the part of the message captured by the first parenthesis ($1
)) is used to look for JIRA issue keys.
The JIRA issue keys are extracted from the commit log (or the part of it specified by the REGEXP) with the following pattern: qr/\b([A-Z]+-\d+)\b/g
This directive tells how each part of the repository structure must be integrated with JIRA.
During a commit, all files being changed are tested against the REGEXP of each CHECK_JIRA directive, in the order that they were called. If at least one changed file matches a regexp, the issues cited in the commit log are checked against their current status on JIRA according to the options specified after the REGEXP.
The available options are the following:
- projects => 'PROJKEYS'
By default, the commiter can reference any JIRA issue in the commit log. You can restrict the allowed keys to a set of JIRA projects by specifying a comma-separated list of project keys to this option.
- require => [01]
By default, the log must reference at least one JIRA issue. You can make the reference optional by passing a false value to this option.
- valid => [01]
By default, every issue referenced must be valid, i.e., it must exist on the JIRA server. You can relax this requirement by passing a false value to this option. (Why would you want to do that, though?)
- unresolved => [01]
By default, every issue referenced must be unresolved, i.e., it must not have a resolution. You can relax this requirement by passing a false value to this option.
- by_assignee => [01]
By default, the commiter can reference any valid JIRA issue. Passing a true value to this option you require that the commiter can only reference issues to which she is the current assignee.
- check_one => CODE-REF
If the above checks aren't enough you can pass a code reference (subroutine) to this option. The subroutine will be called once for each referenced issue with two arguments: the JIRA::Client object used to talk to the JIRA server and a reference to a RemoteIssue object. The subroutine must simply return with no value to indicate success and must die to indicate failure.
Plese, read the JIRA::Client module documentation to understand how to use these objects.
- check_all => CODE-REF
Sometimes checking each issue separatelly isn't enough. You may want to check some relation among all the referenced issues. In this case, pass a code reference to this option. It will be called once for the commit. Its first argument is the JIRA::Client object used to talk to the JIRA server. The following arguments are references to RemoteIssue objects for every referenced issue. The subroutine must simply return with no value to indicate success and must die to indicate failure.
You can set defaults for these options using a CHECK_JIRA directive with the string 'default'
as a first argument, instead of a qr/Regexp/.
# Set some defaults
CHECK_JIRA(default => {
projects => 'CDS,TST',
by_assignee => 1,
# Check if some commits are scheduled, i.e., if they reference
# JIRA issues that have at least one fix version.
sub is_scheduled {
my ($jira, $issue) = @_;
return scalar @{$issue->{fixVersions}};
CHECK_JIRA(qr/^(trunk|branches/fix)/ => {
check_one => \&is_scheduled,
Gustavo Chaves, <>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-svn-hooks at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc SVN::Hooks
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