SVN::Hooks::Mailer - Send emails after succesful commits.
This SVN::Hooks plugin sends notification emails after succesful commits. It's deprecated. You should use SVN::Hooks::Notify instead.
The emails contain information about the commit like this:
Subject: [TAG] Commit revision 153 by jsilva
Author: jsilva
Revision: 153
Date: 2008-09-16 11:03:35 -0300 (Tue, 16 Sep 2008)
Added files:
Deleted files:
Updated files:
Log Message:
Setting up the conf directory.
It's active in the post-commit
It's configured by the following directives.
SVN::Hooks::Mailer uses Email::Send to send emails.
This directive allows you to chose a particular mailer to send email with.
EMAIL_CONFIG(Sendmail => '/usr/sbin/sendmail');
EMAIL_CONFIG(IO => '/path/to/file');
The first two are the most common. The last can be used for debugging.
This directive receives a hash-ref specifying the email that must be sent. The hash may contain the following key/value pairs:
- match => qr/Regexp/
The email will be sent only if the Regexp matches at least one of the files changed in the commit. If it doesn't exist, the email will be sent always.
- from => 'ADDRESS'
The email address that will be used in the From: header. If it doesn't exist, the from address will usually be the user running Subversion.
- to => 'ADDRESS, ...'
The email addresses to which the email will be sent. This key is required.
- tag => 'STRING'
If present, the subject will be prefixed with '[STRING] '.
- cc, bcc, reply_to => 'ADDRESS, ...'
These are optional email addresses used in the respective email headers.
- diff => [STRING, ...]
If this key is specified, the email will also contain the GNU-style diff of changed files in the commit. If its value is an ARRAY REF its values will be passed as extra options to the 'svnlook diff' command. There are three of them:
Gustavo Chaves, <>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-svn-hooks-checkmimetypes at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc SVN::Hooks
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