Changes for version 1.31 - 2015-11-26

  • Fixes
    • Fix bug introduced in version 1.26 that made hooks be invoked as many times as their plugin directives was used. For example, if the CHECK_JIRA directive was used 10 times to configure the CheckJira plugin, the pre-commit function hook was invoked 10 times too! Hooks that just checked conditions were made slower by this bug, but hooks that performed actions (such as sending notifications) would execute them multiple times, with probably bad effects.



Framework for implementing Subversion hooks
Allow changes in revision log messages.
Allow changes in revision properties.
Check the svn client capabilities.
Integrate Subversion with the JIRA ticketing system.
Check log messages in commits.
Require the svn:mime-type property.
Check properties in added files.
Check the structure of a repository.
Deny some changes in a repository.
Deny some file names.
Implement generic checks for all Subversion hooks.
Integrate Subversion with the JIRA ticketing system.
Send emails after successful commits.
Subversion activity notification.
Maintain the repository configuration versioned.