SVN::Look - A caching wrapper aroung the svnlook command.
Version 0.09
use SVN::Look;
my $revlook = SVN::Look->new('/repo/path', -r => 123);
my $author = $revlook->author();
my $msg = $revlook->log_msg();
my @added_files = $revlook->added();
my @updated_files = $revlook->updated();
my @deleted_files = $revlook->deleted();
my @changed_files = $revlook->changed();
my $file_contents = $revlook->cat('/path/to/file/in/repository');
my $trxlook = SVN::Look->new('/repo/path', -t => 123);
The svnlook command is the workhorse of Subversion hook scripts, being used to gather all sorts of information about a repository, its revisions, and its transactions. This script provides a simple object oriented interface to a specific svnlook invocation, to make it easier to hook writers to get and use the information they need. Moreover, all the information gathered buy calling the svnlook command is cached in the object, avoiding repetitious calls.
The SVN::Look constructor needs three arguments:
- repo
Returns the repository path that was passed to the constructor.
- txn
Returns the transaction number that was passed to the constructor. If none was passed, returns undef.
- rev
Returns the revision number that was passed to the constructor. If none was passed, returns undef.
Returns the author of the revision/transaction.
- log_msg
Returns the log message of the revision/transaction.
- date
Returns the date of the revision/transaction.
- proplist PATH
Returns a reference to a hash containing the properties associated with PATH.
- changed_hash
Returns a reference to a hash containing information about all file changes occurred in the revision. The hash always has the following pairs:
- added
A list of files added in the revision.
- deleted
A list of files deleted in the revision.
- updated
A list of files updated in the revision.
- prop_modified
A list of files that had properties modified in the revision.
- copied
A hash mapping the old to the new name of each file moved in the revision.
- added
Returns the list of files added in the revision/transaction.
- updated
Returns the list of files updated in the revision/transaction.
- deleted
Returns the list of files deleted in the revision/transaction.
- prop_modified
Returns the list of files that had properties modified in the revision/transaction.
- changed
Returns the list of all files added, updated, deleted, and the ones that had properties modified in the revision/transaction.
- dirs_changed
Returns the list of directories changed in the revision/transaction.
- copied_from
Returns the list of original names of files that were renamed in the revision/transaction.
- copied_to
Returns the list of new names of files that were renamed in the revision/transaction. The order of this list is guaranteed to agree with the order generated by the method copied_from.
- cat PATH
Returns the contents of the file at PATH.
Gustavo Chaves, <gustavo+perl at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-svn-look at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc SVN::Look
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Copyright 2008 Gustavo Chaves, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.