DBIx::SQLite::Simple::Table - superclass only used to handle SQL tables
# Example of a table with a primary key
package TPub;
require DBIx::SQLite::Simple::Table;
require Class::Gomor::Hash;
our @ISA = qw(DBIx::SQLite::Simple::Table Class::Gomor::Hash);
our @AS = qw(
# 'our $Id' and 'our @Fields' are named Id and Fields for a good
# reason, so do not name these variables by another name.
our $Id = $AS[0];
our @Fields = @AS[1..$#AS];
# Example of a table with no key at all
package TBeer;
require DBIx::SQLite::Simple::Table;
require Class::Gomor::Hash;
our @ISA = qw(DBIx::SQLite::Simple::Table Class::Gomor::Hash);
our @AS = qw(
our @Fields = @AS;
# Now, we have two tables, we can play with the database
package main;
require DBIx::SQLite::Simple;
my $db = DBIx::SQLite::Simple->new(db => 'sqlite.db');
# Create to object to play with the two tables
my $tPub = TPub->new;
my $tBeer = TBeer->new;
# Create tables
$tPub->create unless $tPub->exists;
$tBeer->create unless $tBeer->exists;
# Create some entries
my @pubEntries;
push @pubEntries, TPub->new(pub => $_) for (qw(corner friends));
my @beerEntries;
push @beerEntries, TBeer->new(beer => $_, country => 'BE')
for (qw(grim leffe bud));
# Now insert those entries;
# Get friends pub
my $friends = $tPub->select(pub => 'friends');
# Lookup id
my $id = $tPub->lookupId(pub => 'friends');
# Lookup string
my $str = $tPub->lookupString('pub', idPub => $id);
# Add a beer from 'chez moi'
my $dremwell = TBeer->new(beer => 'Dremwell', country => '?');
$tBeer->insert([ $dremwell ]);
# Update Dremwell
my $dremwellOld = $dremwell->clone;
$tBeer->update([ $dremwell ], $dremwellOld);
# Delete all pubs
- dbo
Stores a DBIx::SQLite::Simple object.
- new
Object creator. Will return an object used to access corresponding SQL table. You can pass an optional parameter: dbo. By default, it uses the global variable $DBIx::SQLite::Simple::Dbo.
- clone
Create a copy of the object.
- commit
Just a convenient method to commit pending changes to the whole database.
- create
Method to create the table.
- exists
Method to verify existence of a table.
- select
If called without parameters, returns the whole content as an arrayref. If called with a hash as argument containing some table fields with values, it plays as multiple where clauses (return result as an arrayref also). See SYNOPSIS.
- delete($arrayref)
Deletes all entries specified in the arrayref (they are all objects of type DBIx::SQLite::Simple::Table).
- insert($arrayref)
Insert all entries specified in the arrayref (they are all objects of type DBIx ::SQLite::Simple::Table).
- update($arrayref)
Will update elements specified within the arrayref (they are all objects of type DBIx::SQLite::Simple::Table). If an additionnal argument is passed, it will act as a where clause. See SYNOPSIS.
- lookupId(%hash)
Returns the the id if the specified field/value hash.
- lookupString($field, field2 => value)
Returns the content of the specified field. See SYNOPSIS.
Patrice <GomoR> Auffret
Copyright (c) 2005, Patrice <GomoR> Auffret
You may distribute this module under the terms of the Artistic license. See Copying file in the source distribution archive.