get, unpack build and install modules from CPAN
another class and object builder
class and object builder, hash version
Pretty printing of data structures
Traverse a directory tree.
Find your home and other directories on any platform
Find your home and other directories on Darwin (OS X)
Find your home and other directories on Darwin (OS X)
Find your home and other directories on Darwin (OS X)
Base class for all File::HomeDir drivers
Find your home and other directories on Unix
Find your home and other directories on legacy Macs
Prevent the accidental creation of user-owned files during testing
Find your home and other directories on legacy Unix
Find your home and other directories on Windows
Portable implementation of the `which' utility
DBM Support for IO::All
Directory Support for IO::All
File Support for IO::All
File System Methods Mixin for IO::All
Symbolic Link Support for IO::All
MLDBM Support for IO::All
Pipe Support for IO::All
STDIO Support for IO::All
Socket Support for IO::All
String IO Support for IO::All
Temporary File Support for IO::All
Reload %INC files when updated on disk
Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIB
There is Brik for that.
core::context Brik
core::global Brik
core::log Brik
core::shell Brik
shell::command Brik
shell::history Brik
shell::rc Brik
shell::script Brik