Changes for version 1.03 - 2014-12-20
- bugfix: shell::script: return proper values from run cmds
- bugfix: shell::script: disable SIGINT when running a script
- update: core::shell: always complete Briks on use, even when Brik is already used
- new: core::global: exit_on_sigint Attribute, for use in scripts
- new: core::shell: help_show_inherited and comp_show_inherited Attributes to respectively show inherited Attributes on help Commands and show inherited Attributes when using completion
- new: bin/metabrik: will load .metabrik_script_rc (if exists) when executing a script
get, unpack build and install modules from CPAN
There is Brik for that.
core::context Brik
core::global Brik
core::log Brik
core::shell Brik
shell::command Brik
shell::history Brik
shell::rc Brik
shell::script Brik