Changes for version 1.10 - 2015-10-27
- FEATURE: core::context: allows to pass complex structs arguments to run and set Commands Example: run network::arp scan $info->{subnet}
- FEATURE: core::context: allows also to execute Perl code within an Argument of a run Command Example: run client::dns ptr_lookup "[ map { @$_ } values %$RUN ]"
- FEATURE: core::shell: allows to complete aliases (can be disabled via aliases_completion Attribute
- FEATURE: shell::command: use_sudo Attribute to launch sudo on executing external command
- FEATURE: shell::command: file globbing enabled with capture Command
- UPDATE: moved attributes_default() from brik_use_properties to brik_properties when there is no need to use $self. It allows instanciated Attributes inheritage to work.
- UPDATE: shell::command: do not print STDERR when using capture Command when there is no STDERR string captured.
- new: shell::command: execute Command to use capture_mode Attribute to launch either capture or system Command
- bugfix: core::context: save_state to use Metabrik brik_attributes Command to correctly retrieve all Brik Attributes even those inherited
- bugfix: core::shell: display error on chdir() failure
- bugfix: core::shell: escapes " character when executing a multiline Perl/Metabrik Code example: my $test = 'root' for (0..1) { 'run shell::command system "ls /$test"' }
- bugfix: Metabrik: error checking within new_from_brik_init Command
- bugfix: Metabrik: logging correctly on class calls to _log_*()
There is Brik for that.
brik::search Brik
core::context Brik
core::global Brik
core::log Brik
core::shell Brik
perl::module Brik
shell::command Brik
shell::history Brik
shell::rc Brik
shell::script Brik