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# $Id: Env.pm,v 2006/11/05 15:28:28 gomor Exp $
use strict;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter Class::Gomor::Array);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw($Env);
use Carp qw(croak);
require Net::Libdnet;
require Net::IPv6Addr;
our @AS = qw(
our @AO = qw(
no strict 'vars';
my $osname = {
cygwin => [ \&_getDevWin32, ],
MSWin32 => [ \&_getDevWin32, ],
*getDev = $osname->{$^O}->[0] || \&_getDevOther;
use Net::Packet::Utils qw(getGatewayIp);
our $Env = __PACKAGE__->new;
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(
debug => 0,
noFrameAutoDesc => 0,
noFrameAutoDump => 0,
noDescAutoSet => 0,
noDumpAutoSet => 0,
err => 0,
errString => '',
? do { $self->[$__dev] = $self->getDevInfoFor($self->[$__dev]) }
: do { $self->[$__dev] = $self->getDevInfo };
$self->[$__mac] = $self->getMac unless $self->[$__mac];
$self->[$__subnet] = $self->getSubnet unless $self->[$__subnet];
$self->[$__ip] = $self->getIp unless $self->[$__ip];
$self->[$__ip6] = $self->getIp6 unless $self->[$__ip6];
$self->[$__gatewayIp] = getGatewayIp() unless $self->[$__gatewayIp];
sub getDevInfo {
my $self = shift;
# By default, we take outgoing device to Internet
$self->[$___dnet] = Net::Libdnet::intf_get_dst(shift() || '');
sub getDevInfoFor {
my $self = shift;
$self->[$___dnet] = Net::Libdnet::intf_get(shift());
sub updateDevInfo {
my $self = shift;
my ($ip) = @_;
$self->[$__dev] = $self->getDev;
$self->[$__ip] = $self->getIp;
$self->[$__ip6] = $self->getIp6;
$self->[$__mac] = $self->getMac;
$self->[$__subnet] = $self->getSubnet;
$self->[$__gatewayIp] = getGatewayIp($ip);
sub _getDevWin32 {
my $self = shift;
croak("@{[(caller(0))[3]]}: unable to find a suitable device\n")
unless $self->[$___dnet]->{name};
my %dev;
my $err;
require Net::Pcap;
Net::Pcap::findalldevs(\%dev, \$err);
croak("@{[(caller(0))[3]]}: Net::Pcap::findalldevs() error: $err\n")
if $err;
my $n;
for (reverse sort keys %dev) {
next if /GenericDialupAdapter/i;
$dev{$_} = 'eth'.$n++;
%dev = map { $dev{$_} => $_ } sort keys %dev;
my $eth = $self->[$___dnet]->{name};
sub _getDevOther {
shift->[$___dnet]->{name} || (($^O eq 'linux') ? 'lo' : 'lo0');
sub getSubnet { shift->[$___dnet]->{addr} || '' }
sub getMac { shift->[$___dnet]->{link_addr} || 'ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff' }
sub getIp {
my $ip = shift->[$___dnet]->{addr} || '';
$ip =~ s/\/\d+$//;
sub _getIp6 {
my $self = shift;
my $dev = $self->[$__dev];
my $mac = $self->[$__mac];
my $buf = `/sbin/ifconfig $dev 2> /dev/null`;
$buf =~ s/$dev//;
$buf =~ s/$mac//i;
my ($ip6) = ($buf =~ /((?:[a-f0-9]{1,4}(?::|%|\/){1,2})+)/i); # XXX: better
if ($ip6) {
$ip6 =~ s/%|\///g;
$ip6 = lc($ip6);
($ip6 && Net::IPv6Addr::ipv6_chkip($ip6) && $ip6) || '::1';
sub getIp6 {
my $self = shift;
sub debug {
my $self = shift;
@_ ? do { $self->[$__debug] = $Class::Gomor::Debug = shift }
: $self->[$__debug];
=head1 NAME
Net::Packet::Env - environment object used for frame capture/injection
use Net::Packet::Env qw($Env);
# Get default values from system
my $env = Net::Packet::Env->new;
# Get values from a specific device
my $env2 = Net::Packet::Env->new(dev => 'vmnet1');
print "dev: ", $env->dev, "\n";
print "mac: ", $env->mac, "\n";
print "ip : ", $env->ip, "\n" if $env->ip;
print "ip6: ", $env->ip6, "\n" if $env->ip6;
Basically, this module is used to tell where to inject a frame, and B<Net::Packet::Frame> default behaviour regarding auto creation of B<Net::Packet::Desc> and B<Net::Packet::Dump> objects.
=over 4
=item B<dev>
The device on which frames will be injected.
=item B<ip>
The IPv4 address of B<dev>. It will be used by default for all created frames.
=item B<ip6>
The IPv6 address of B<dev>. It will be used by default for all created frames.
=item B<mac>
The MAC address of B<dev>. It will be used by default for all created frames.
=item B<subnet>
The subnet address of B<dev>. It will be set automatically.
=item B<gatewayIp>
The gateway IP address of B<dev>. It is set automatically under all platforms.
=item B<gatewayMac>
The gateway MAC address of B<dev>. It will not be set automatically. Due to the implementation of ARP lookup within B<Net::Packet>, we can't do it within this module. It is done within B<Net::Packet::DescL3> under Windows, to automatically build the layer 2 header.
=item B<desc>
The B<Net::Packet::Desc> object used to inject frames to network.
=item B<dump>
The B<Net::Packet::Dump> object used to receive frames from network.
=item B<noFrameAutoDesc>
This attribute controls B<Net::Packet::Frame> behaviour regarding B<Net::Packet::Desc> autocreation. If set to 0, when a B<Net::Packet::Frame> is created for the first time, a B<Net::Packet::Desc> object will be created if none has been set in B<desc> attribute for default B<$Env> object. Setting it to 1 avoids this behaviour.
=item B<noFrameAutoDump>
Same as above, but for B<Net::Packet::Dump> object.
=item B<noDescAutoSet>
This attribute controls B<Net::Packet::Desc> behaviour regarding global B<$Env> autosetting behaviour. If set to 0, when a B<Net::Packet::Desc> is created for the first time, the created B<Net::Packet::Desc> object will have a pointer to it stored in B<desc> attribute of B<$Env> default object. Setting it to 1 avoids this behaviour.
=item B<noDumpAutoSet>
Same as abose, but for B<Net::Packet::Dump> object.
=item B<debug>
The environment debug directive. Set it to a number greater than 0 to increase the level of debug messages. Up to 3, default 0.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item B<new>
Object constructor. You can pass attributes that will overwrite default ones. Default values:
debug: 0
noFrameAutoDesc: 0
noFrameAutoDump: 0
noDescAutoSet: 0
noDumpAutoSet: 0
dev: if not user provided, default interface is used, by calling B<getDevInfo> method. If user provided, all B<ip>, B<ip6> and B<mac> attributes will be used for that B<dev>.
ip: if not user provided, default interface IP is used, by calling B<getIp> method. If user provided, it is overwritten by the user.
ip6: if not user provided, default interface IPv6 is used, by calling B<getIp6> method. If user provided, it is overwritten by the user.
mac: if not user provided, default interface MAC is used, by calling B<getMac> method. If user provided, it is overwritten by the user.
=item B<getDevInfo> [ (scalar) ]
By default, network device to use is the one used by default gateway. If you provide an IP address as a parameter, the interface used will be the one which have direct access to this IP address.
=item B<getDevInfoFor> (scalar)
Will set internal attributes for network interface passed as a parameter. Those internal attributes are used to get IP, IPv6 and MAC attributes.
=item B<updateDevInfo> (scalar)
This is a helper method. You pass an IP address as a parameter, and all attributes for elected network interface will be updated (B<dev>, B<ip>, B<ip6>, B<mac>, B<subnet>, B<gatewayIp>).
=item B<getDev>
Returns network interface, by looking at internal attribute.
=item B<getMac>
Returns MAC address, by looking at internal attribute.
=item B<getSubnet>
Returns subnet address, by looking at internal attribute.
=item B<getIp>
Returns IP address, by looking at internal attribute.
=item B<getIp6>
Returns IPv6 address, by looking at internal attribute.
=head1 AUTHOR
Patrice E<lt>GomoRE<gt> Auffret
Copyright (c) 2004-2006, Patrice E<lt>GomoRE<gt> Auffret
You may distribute this module under the terms of the Artistic license.
See LICENSE.Artistic file in the source distribution archive.
L<NetPacket>, L<Net::RawIP>, L<Net::RawSock>