Changes for version 4.19.0

  • WARNING: ASD APIs are still BETA and interface may be subject to change
  • Bugfix: onyphe: -asd-pivot-query needs -field param
  • Bugfix: Onyphe::Api: check api keys & endpoints are configured from .onyphe.ini or dies
  • New: onyphe: -asd-score-inventory API
  • New: onyphe: -asd-domain-soa API
  • Update: onyphe: review of usage information
  • Update: onyphe: -aslines set to 0 by default for -asd-score-inventory API, and to 1 for others APIs
  • Rename: onyphe: -asd-ip-whois to -asd-subnet-inventory
  • Rename: onyphe: -asd-domain-exist to -asd-dns-domain-exist
  • Rename: onyphe: -asd-domain-ns to -asd-dns-domain-ns
  • Rename: onyphe: -asd-domain-mx to -asd-dns-domain-mx
  • Rename: onyphe: -asd-domain-soa to -asd-dns-domain-soa
  • Rename: onyphe: -asd-domain-ns to -asd-dns-domain-ns


ONYPHE Command Line Interface


another class and object builder
class and object builder, array version
ONYPHE Processing Pipeline
output object for OPP's processors
base class for OPP's processors
addcount processor
addfield processor
allowlist processor
blocklist processor
count processor
dedup processor
ONYPHE Discovery API processor
exec processor
exists processor
expand processor
fieldcount processor
fields processor
filter processor
flatten processor
lookup processor
ONYPHE Search API merging processor
noop processor
orlookup processor
output processor
pivots processor
regex processor
rename processor
ONYPHE Search API processor
splitsubnet processor
top processor
uniq processor
ONYPHE Search API where processor
exec processor
state object for OPP's processors
ONYPHE base class