Changes for version v0.2.3 - 2014-11-07
- Published repository on Github, fixed attribute order.
generate NewsML-G2 news items
base class for news and package items
a audio specification
the news provider (news agency)
an editorial desk in a news agency
the journalistic genre of the news item
a graphics specification
a group of news items (or other groups)
a preview for a video, can be an image or a video
a location (city, region, country, ...)
a subject covered in the news item, taken from a standardized controlled vocabulary
a news item (story)
a audio news item (story)
a picture news item
a picture news item
a text news item (story)
a video news item (story)
a container that can hold multiple News or Package Items
a company or organisation
a package of news items
a picture specification
a product that is mentioned in the news item
the news provider (news agency)
Role for item types that have a QCode
Used by Picture, Graphics, Audio, Video
Used by Picture, Graphics, Video
Used by Picture, Graphics, Video
Base role for NewsML-G2 writer classes
Role for writing news items of type 'audio'
Role for writing news items of type 'graphics'
Role for writing news items of type 'picture'
Role for writing news items of type 'text'
Role for writing news items of type 'video'
Role for writing news messages
Role for writing package items
create XML DOM tree conforming to version 2.12 of the NewsML-G2 specification
create XML DOM tree conforming to version 2.15 of the NewsML-G2 specification
create XML DOM tree conforming to version 2.18 of the NewsML-G2 specification
create XML DOM tree conforming to version 2.9 of the NewsML-G2 specification
a Scheme (controlled vocabulary)
hold all XML::NewsML_G2::Scheme instances
a service produced by the news agency
a temporary topic covered in the news item, used to group related stories
various Moose attribute types used by NewsML_G2 classes
a video specification
base class for XML DOM tree creation conforming to NewsML-G2 News Items, Package Items and News Messages
create DOM tree conforming to NewsML-G2 for News Items
create DOM tree conforming to NewsML-G2 for News Messages
create DOM tree conforming to NewsML-G2 for Package Items