Chart::Clicker - Powerful, extensible charting.
use Chart::Clicker
use Chart::Clicker::Data::Series;
use Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet;
my $cc = Chart::Clicker->new;
my $series = Chart::Clicker::Data::Series->new(
keys => [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ],
values => [ 42, 25, 86, 23, 2, 19, 103, 12, 54, 9 ],
my $series2 = Chart::Clicker::Data::Series->new(
keys => [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ],
values => [ 67, 15, 6, 90, 11, 45, 83, 11, 9, 101 ],
my $ds = Chart::Clicker::Data::DataSet->new(series => [ $series, $series2 ]);
Chart::Clicker aims to be a powerful, extensible charting package that creates really pretty output. Charts can be saved in png, svg, pdf and postscript format.
Clicker leverages the power of Graphics::Primitive to create snazzy graphics without being tied to specific backend.
At it's core Clicker is more of a toolkit for creating charts. It's interface is a bit more complex because making pretty charts requires attention and care. Some fine defaults are established to make getting started easier, but to really unleash the potential of Clicker you must roll up your sleeves and build things by hand.
Clicker has aspirations to do more and be better. Good software is not Athena and therefore doesn't spring fully formed from the mind. It is entirely possible that new features will be added that may change behavior. You can find more information at Feel free to send your criticisms, advice, patches or money to me as a way of helping.
The normal use case for a chart is a couple of datasets on the same axes. Sometimes you want to chart one or more datasets on different axes. A common need for this is when you are comparing two datasets of vastly different scale such as the number of employees in an office (1-10) to monthly revenues (10s of thousands). On a normal chart the number of employees would show up as a flat line at the bottom of the chart.
To correct this, Clicker has contexts. A context is a pair of axes, a renderer and a name. The name is the 'key' by which you will refer to the context.
my $context = Chart::Clicker::Context->new( name => 'sales' );
New contexts provide a fresh domain and range axis and default to a Line renderer.
Clicker supports PNG, SVG, PDF and PostScript output.
- new
Creates a new Chart::Clicker object. If no format, width and height are specified then defaults of Png, 500 and 300 are chosen, respectively.
Instance Methods
- add_to_contexts
Add the specified context to the chart.
- add_to_datasets
Add the specified dataset (or arrayref of datasets) to the chart.
- add_to_markers
Add the specified marker to the chart.
- color_allocator
Set/Get the color_allocator for this chart.
- context
Set/Get the context for this chart.
- data
Returns the data for this chart as a scalar. Suitable for 'streaming' to a client.
- datasets
Get/Set the datasets for this chart.
- draw
Draw this chart.
- format
Get the format for this Chart. Required in the constructor. Must be on of Png, Pdf, Ps or Svg.
- get_datasets_for_context
Returns an arrayref containing all datasets for the given context. Used by renderers to get a list of datasets to chart.
- grid
Set/Get the Grid that will be displayed on this Cart
- inside_width
Get the width available in this container after taking away space for insets and borders.
- inside_height
Get the height available in this container after taking away space for insets and borders.
- legend
Set/Get the legend that will be used with this chart.
- legend_position
The position this legend will be added. Should be one of north, south, east, west or center as required by Layout::Manager::Compass.
- write
Write the chart output to the specified location. Output is written in the format provided to the constructor (which defaults to Png).
Cory 'G' Watson <>
Torsten Schoenfeld Ash Berlin
You can redistribute and/or modify this code under the same terms as Perl itself.