Chart::Clicker::Axis represents the plot of the chart.
use Chart::Clicker::Axis;
use Graphics::Primitive::Font;
use Graphics::Primitive::Brush;
my $axis = Chart::Clicker::Axis->new({
font => Graphics::Primitive::Font->new,
orientation => 'vertical',
position => 'left',
brush = Graphics::Primitive::Brush->new,
tick_length => 2,
tick_brush => Graphics::Primitive::Brush->new,
visible => 1,
- new
Creates a new Chart::Clicker::Axis. If no arguments are given then sane defaults are chosen.
Instance Methods
- baseline
Set the 'baseline' value of this axis. This is used by some renderers to change the way a value is marked. The Bar render, for instance, considers values below the base to be 'negative'.
- brush
Set/Get the brush for this axis.
- color
Set/Get the color of the axis.
- font
Set/Get the font used for the axis' labels.
- format
Set/Get the format to use for the axis values.
If the format is a string then format is applied to each value 'tick' via sprintf. See sprintf perldoc for details! This is useful for situations where the values end up with repeating decimals.
If the format is a coderef then that coderef will be executed and the value passed to it as an argument.
my $nf = Number::Format->new; $default->domain_axis->format(sub { return $nf->format_number(shift); });
- fudge_amount
Set/Get the amount to 'fudge' the span of this axis. You should supply a percentage (in decimal form) and the axis will grow at both ends by the supplied amount. This is useful when you want a bit of padding above and below the dataset.
As an example, a fugdge_amount of .10 on an axis with a span of 10 to 50 would add 5 to the top and bottom of the axis.
- height
Set/Get the height of the axis.
- label
Set/Get the label of the axis.
- orientation
Set/Get the orientation of this axis. See Chart::Clicker::Drawing.
- position
Set/Get the position of the axis on the chart.
- range
Set/Get the Range for this axis.
- show_ticks
Set/Get the show ticks flag. If this is value then the small tick marks at each mark on the axis will not be drawn.
- tick_label_angle
Set the angle (in radians) to rotate the tick's labels.
- tick_length
Set/Get the tick length.
- tick_values
Set/Get the arrayref of values show as ticks on this Axis.
- add_to_tick_values
Add a value to the list of tick values.
- clear_tick_values
Clear all tick values.
- stagger
Set/Get the stagger flag, which causes horizontally labeled axes to 'stagger' the labels so that half are at the top of the box and the other half are at the bottom. This makes long, overlapping labels less likely to overlap. It only does something useful with horizontal labels.
- tick_brush
Set/Get the stroke for the tick markers.
- tick_value_count
Get a count of tick values.
- tick_labels
Set/Get the arrayref of labels to show for ticks on this Axis. This arrayref is consulted for every tick, in order. So placing a string at the zeroeth index will result in it being displayed on the zeroeth tick, etc, etc.
- ticks
Set/Get the number of 'ticks' to show. Setting this will divide the range on this axis by the specified value to establish tick values. This will have no effect if you specify tick_values.
- mark
Given a span and a value, returns it's pixel position on this Axis.
- format_value
Given a value, returns it formatted using this Axis' formatter.
- prepare
Prepare this Axis by determining the size required. If the orientation is CC_HORIZONTAL this method sets the height. Otherwise sets the width.
- draw
Draw this axis.
Set/Get this axis' hidden flag.
- width
Set/Get this axis' width.
Cory 'G' Watson <>
You can redistribute and/or modify this code under the same terms as Perl itself.