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use Moose;
has '+additive' => ( default => sub { 1 } );
override('finalize', sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $height = $self->height;
my $width = $self->width;
my $clicker = $self->clicker;
my %accum;
my $dses = $clicker->get_datasets_for_context($self->context);
foreach my $ds (@{ $dses }) {
foreach my $series (@{ $ds->series }) {
# TODO if undef...
my $ctx = $clicker->get_context($ds->context);
my $domain = $ctx->domain_axis;
my $range = $ctx->range_axis;
my $lastx; # used for completing the path
my @vals = @{ $series->values };
my @keys = @{ $series->keys };
my $startx;
my $biggest;
my @replays;
for(0..($series->key_count - 1)) {
my $key = $keys[$_];
my $x = $domain->mark($width, $key);
next unless defined($x);
my $val = $vals[$_];
if(exists($accum{$key})) {
# Store the previous value
push(@replays, [ $x, $accum{$key}]);
# Add this value to the accumulator, then replace
# it's value with the total
$val = $accum{$key} += $val;
} else {
push(@replays, [ $x, 0 ]);
$accum{$key} = $val;
my $ymark = $range->mark($height, $val);
next unless defined($ymark);
my $y = $height - $ymark;
if(defined($biggest)) {
$biggest = $y if $y > $biggest;
} else {
$biggest = $y;
if($_ == 0) {
$startx = $x;
$self->move_to($x, $y);
} else {
$self->line_to($x, $y);
$lastx = $x;
my $color = $self->clicker->color_allocator->next;
my $op = Graphics::Primitive::Operation::Stroke->new;
while(my $pt = pop(@replays)) {
$self->line_to($pt->[0], $height - $range->mark($height, $pt->[1]));
my $paint;
if($self->opacity) {
my $clone = $color->clone;
$paint = Graphics::Primitive::Paint::Solid->new(
color => $clone
} elsif($self->fade) {
my $clone = $color->clone;
$paint = Graphics::Primitive::Paint::Gradient::Linear->new(
line => Geometry::Primitive::Line->new(
start => Geometry::Primitive::Point->new(x => 0, y => 0),
end => Geometry::Primitive::Point->new(x => 1, y => $biggest),
style => 'linear'
$paint->add_stop(1.0, $color);
$paint->add_stop(0, $clone);
} else {
$paint = Graphics::Primitive::Paint::Solid->new(
color => $color->clone
my $fillop = Graphics::Primitive::Operation::Fill->new(
paint => $paint
return 1;
no Moose;
=head1 NAME
Chart::Clicker::Renderer::StackedArea - Stacked Area renderer
Chart::Clicker::Renderer::StackedArea renders a dataset as line-like
polygons stacked atop one another.
=begin HTML
<p><img src="" width="500" height="250" alt="Stacked Area Chart" /></p>
=end HTML
my $ar = Chart::Clicker::Renderer::StackedArea->new({
fade => 1,
brush => Graphics::Primitive::Brush->new({
width => 2
=head2 brush
Set/Get the brush that informs the line surrounding the area renders
individual segments.
=head2 fade
Set/Get the fade flag, which turns on or off a gradient in the area renderer.
=head2 opacity
Set the alpha value for the renderer, which makes things more or less opaque.
=head1 AUTHOR
Cory G Watson <>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Chart::Clicker::Renderer>, perl(1)
=head1 LICENSE
You can redistribute and/or modify this code under the same terms as Perl