Graphics::Primitive::Brush - Description of a stroke
Graphics::Primitive::Brush represents the visible trace of 'ink' along a path.
use Graphics::Primitive::Brush;
my $stroke = Graphics::Primitive::Brush->new({
line_cap => 'round',
line_join => 'miter',
width => 2
- new
Creates a new Graphics::Primitive::Brush. Defaults to a width of 1, a line_cap 'butt' and a line_join of 'miter'.
Instance Methods
- color
Set/Get this brush's color.
- dash_pattern
Set/Get the dash pattern. A dash pattern is an arrayref of numbers representing the lengths of the various line segments of the dash. Even numbered elements are considered opaque and odd elements are transparent.
- derive
Clone this brush but change one or more of it's attributes by passing in a hashref of options:
my $new = $brush->derive({ attr => $newvalue });
The returned font will be identical to the cloned one, save the attributes specified.
- equal_to ($other)
Returns 1 if this brush is equal to the supplied one, else returns 0.
- line_cap
Set/Get the line_cap of this stroke. Valid values are butt, round and square.
- line_join
Set/Get the line_join of this stroke. Valid values are miter, round and bevel.
- not_equal_to ($other)
Opposite of equal_to.
- width
Set/Get the width of this stroke. Defaults to 1
Cory Watson, <>
Infinity Interactive,
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-geometry-primitive at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Copyright 2008 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.