Layout::Manager::Component - Component Role
Layout::Manager resizes and repositions components. This role provides the blueprint for your objects to be moveable by Layout::Manager. Simply add this role to your class and implement the required methods.
package My::Widget;
use Moose;
with 'Layout::Manager::Component';
has 'width' ...
has 'height' ...
has 'origin' ...
This role does not provide an implementation of these methods. This might be surprising because it _could_. I originally intended to implement the attributes here and use the role in Geomtry::Primitive or Graphics::Primitive but it would've created a circular dependency, so I opted to leave this bit of yak shaving up to you. This may change in the future as the APIs of these modules solidifies.
- name
Name of this component. Used to find specific components after they've been added to this layout manager.
- height
Set/get the height of the component.
- maximum_height
Set/get the maximum height for this component. Defaults to 0.
- maximum_width
Set/get the maximum width for this component. Defaults to 0.
- minimum_height
Set/get the minimum height for this component. Defaults to 0.
- minimum_width
Set/get the minimum width for this component. Defaults to 0.
- origin
Set/get the origin point of this component. This is expected to be a Geometry::Primitive::Point object.
- preferred_height
Set/get the preferred height for this component. Defaults to 0.
- preferred_height
Set/get the minimum height for this component. Defaults to 0.
- width
Set/get the width of the component.
Cory Watson, <>
Infinity Interactive,
Copyright 2008 by Infinity Interactive, Inc.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.