MooseX::Meta::Parameter::Moose::Compiled - Compiled Moose parameter metaclass
This API is unstable, it may change at any time. This should not affect ordinary MooseX::Method usage.
- validate
Overriden from superclass.
- as_perl
Returns a string of perl code that will validate an argument. Expects the value to be validated to reside in $_ and that the scalar $provided is present to tell if a value was provided. This is because undef is an allowed provided value. Modifies $_ if coercion is set.
- compile
Returns a coderef that will perform the validation. Essencially a wrapper around as_perl that is handy if you don't need to do any inlining but still want the performance benefit. Note that the validate method is overridden to use a compiled version of the validator so you probably don't need to use this method yourself.
Most software has bugs. This module probably isn't an exception. If you find a bug please either email me, or add the bug to cpan-RT.
Anders Nor Berle <>
Copyright 2007 by Anders Nor Berle.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.