message_group - Send a message to a myspace group


Version 0.3


message_group config_file

Where config_file is a YAML file containing account and message info. Note that this should be readable only by you (i.e. chmod 600 config_file).

This script is a command-line front end for the WWW::Myspace::Message module that lets you message all the members of a specific MySpace group. This is handy if, say, your band sounds like another band and you want to send a message to the members of that group saying that they might like your music because they like that band.

Sample config file:

password: mypassword
subject: Hi there!
cache_file: mycache
message: |
  This is a message.
  - Me
group: 1255555

This script will read the config file and start messaging. If it hits the max_count value or a CAPTCHA response, it will sleep for 12 hours, then continue. If the script is stopped or interrupted, re-run it using the same config file and it will pick up where it left off. The script invokes the send_all method in WWW::Myspace::Message. Use perldoc WWW::Myspace::Message to read the docs on that module.