WWW::Myspace::FriendAdder - Interactively add friends to your Myspace account
Version 0.01
This module gives you a little more flexibility when adding friends to your Myspace account. This module is interactive, allowing you to deal with CAPTCHA requests and then restart your friend requests. It is most effective when used at the command line, but you do have the option to suppress its reporting and interactive nature if you find it annoying. This module is an extension of Grant Grueninger's WWW::Myspace module.
use WWW::Myspace; use WWW::Myspace::FriendAdder;
my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace;
my $adder = WWW::Myspace::FriendAdder->new( $myspace );
my @friend_ids = ('List', 'of', 'friend', 'ids');
$adder->friend_request( @friend_ids );
By default, this routine will try to add as many friends as possible. When Myspace prompts you for user input, the routine will pause and allow you as much time as you need to fill out the Myspace form. Once you have done so, you may prompt the script to continue or to exit. Upon its exit, the script will report on its success and/or failure.
new( $myspace )
Initialize and return a new WWW::Myspace::Comment object. $myspace is a WWW::Myspace object.
use WWW::Myspace; use WWW::Myspace::FriendAdder;
my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace;
my $adder = WWW::Myspace::FriendAdder->new( $myspace );
Olaf Alders, <olaf at>
inspired by the excellent code of Grant Grueninger
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-www-myspace at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
This module is still in its infancy. It does a lot of cool stuff, but the interface is still subject to change. Please keep this in mind when upgrading
Caching features Blocking friend requests to ids that are already pending Deleting message_on_captcha messages from sent mail box Tighten up accessor/mutator functions for this module Better randomizing of sleep time
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc WWW::Myspace::FriendAdder
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Many thanks to Grant Grueninger for giving birth to WWW::Myspace and for his help and advice in the development of this module.
Copyright 2006 Olaf Alders, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.