Changes for version 0.53 - 2006-09-01

  • Changed RE to identify "away" and "private" mail send errors to allow for profiles with no user names (or myspace database errors). The error would cause this message to appear for private profiles: "You can't send a message to because you must be 's friend to send them a message."
  • Modified send_message to get the profile, find and click the Send Message link, and compensate for the two different mail forms Myspace now has as they transition to the new messaging servers. Note that this both acts more naturally and may be more stable, and enables use of the new servers, or the old one that some accounts still apparently use. Note that the new servers do issue CAPTCHA responses for mail. Not sure of the limits yet.
  • Added "human" option which slows down gets and such. IMPORTANT: THIS IS SET TO 1 (TRUE) BY DEFAULT. THIS WILL SLOW DOWN YOUR SCRIPT. BUT BE SURE YOU READ THE ACCESSOR'S DOCUMENTATION IF YOU WANT TO TURN IT OFF - MYSPACE MAY DISABLE YOUR ACCOUNT. Currently adds a 6-11 second delay after each get, but should get fancier later.
  • Now dies if error is set after get_friends is called.
  • Added last_login parameter using the myspace method of the same name.
  • send_message now takes named parameters.
  • Addad "skip_re" option to send_message. Allows you to skip a profile if it matches the RE you specify.
  • Added skip_re handling to
  • post_comment now acts more human also.
  • is_band now looks for the "Upcoming Shows" box instead of "My Bulletin Space" when determining if the logged in account is a band or not.
  • Changed mech agent to identify itself as IE 6.


Send friend requests to another user's friends.
Approve new friends and post a comment to them
Leave a comment for your Myspace friends
Send a message to a myspace group


Access profile information from Perl
Auto-comment your MySpace friends from Perl scripts
WWW::Myspace database interaction
Interactively add friends to your Myspace account
Track additions/deletions to your friends list
Auto-message your MySpace friends from Perl scripts
Base class for WWW::Myspace modules