—=head1 NAME
App::BCVI::Plugins - Documentation about the bcvi plugin API
BCVI plugins are .pm files (Perl modules) in the user's BCVI config directory
Plugins can:
=over 4
=item *
add new command-line options (and add code to process those options)
=item *
add new back-channel commands (and add code to implement those commands in
the listener process)
=item *
modify almost any existing functionality of C<bcvi> (including removing
=item *
modify both the server (listener) and/or the client
Ideally you should be able to customise the behaviour of C<bcvi> in pretty
much any way you want without needing to edit the C<bcvi> script itself.
Here's a silly plugin (that no sane person would ever want to use) which
overrides the 'vi' command handler and instead of launching C<gvim> it launches
C<gedit> (the GNOME text editor) - I did warn you it was a silly example:
package App::BCVI::Gedit;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub execute_vi {
my($self) = @_;
my $alias = $self->calling_host();
my @files = map { "sftp://${alias}$_" } $self->get_filenames();
system('gedit', '--', @files);
This file should be saved as F<$HOME/.config/bcvi/Gedit.pm>. Let's go through
it line-by-line.
Each plugin must have a unique package name. The App::BCVI namespace is there
for plugins to use. By convention, the filename should match the last part of
the package name, with '.pm' appended.
The C<use strict;> and C<use warnings;> are good practice in any Perl module.
The C<execute_vi> subroutine was copy/pasted from the C<bcvi> script itself
and then modified to work with C<gedit> rather than C<gvim>.
The C<hook_server_class> line is a method call that pushes this class onto the
inheritance chain for the object class that implements the listener process.
When the listener process calls C<execute_vi> in response to a request from a
client, our method is called instead of the standard method. In some plugins,
it might make sense to delegate to the standard method using the syntax
C<< $self->SUPER::execute_vi(@args) >>, but in our case we're replacing the
standard method rather than augmenting it.
Plugin files are never loaded from anywhere except the user's BCVI config
directory. In particular, C<bcvi> never loads any modules from the system
F<lib/App/BCVI> directory. If you get plugin modules from CPAN, you'll need
to copy the .pm files into your plugin directory (or possibly symlink to the
.pm file in the system lib directory).
Some plugins enhance the listener process and therefore only need to be
installed on your workstation. Other plugins enhance the client so they need
to be installed on the hosts where you use bcvi. Client-side plugins can
register themselves to be included in the set of files that get deployed to a
host when you run C<< bcvi --install HOSTNAME >>.
The BCVI application is built from four classes:
=over 4
=item B<App::BCVI::Server>
Implements the listener process as a forking server. Listens on a socket, when
an incoming connection is received, a child process is forked off to handle it.
=item B<App::BCVI::Client>
Implements the client process which establishes a TCP connection to the
listener process, sends a request and waits for a response.
=item B<App::BCVI>
A base class implements common methods used by both the client and the server.
=item B<App::BCVI::POD>
A helper class used by both the client and the server to render POD to text
in response to the C<--help> option.
A plugin can push its package name onto the inheritance chain for the server
by calling:
or for the client by calling
There are currently no hook methods for either the base class or the POD class
because that didn't seem very useful (just ask if you really need this).
The example plugin above had a package name of C<App::BCVI::Gedit> and it
called C<hook_server_class()>. This has two effects:
=over 4
=item 1
When a listener process is started, it will be an instance of the
C<App::BCVI::Gedit> class
=item 2
The C<@ISA> array in the C<App::BCVI::Gedit> package will be adjusted to
point to C<App::BCVI::Server> so that all the existing methods of the server
class will be inherited
If another package calls C<hook_server_class()> then its C<@ISA> array will be
adjusted to point to the C<App::BCVI::Gedit> class and when the listener starts
it will be an instance of the second plugin class. Usually the order of
loading would not be significant, but the plugin filenames are sorted
alphanumerically before loading so you can rename the C<.pm> files to have them
load in a specific order.
If your plugin calls a hook method it should not explicitly set up any other
inheritance relationship (either through C<use base> or by directly altering
Sometimes it might not be immediately obvious whether you need to hook the
client class or the server class. For example if your code modifies the
behaviour of the C<--install> option then it would not be a part of the
listener process but it also might not run on a remote host. The rule in
these cases is: I<If your code does not run in the listener then it should hook
the client class>.
A single plugin should not call both C<hook_server_class()> and
C<hook_client_class()> - no good can come of that.
In addition to being able to hook into the inheritance chains, a plugin can
also choose to call one of the registration methods:
=head2 C<< register_option(key => value, ...) >>
This method is used to register a new command-line option. The arguments
are key => value pairs, for example:
name => 'command',
alias => 'c',
arg_spec => '=s',
arg_name => '<cmnd>',
summary => 'command to send over back-channel',
description => <<'END_POD'
Use C<cmnd> as the command to send over the back-channel (default: vi).
Recognised commands are described in L<COMMANDS> below.
The recognised keys are (*=mandatory parameter):
*name the long form of the option name (without the initial '--')
alias optional single character alias
arg_spec if the option takes a value use '=s' for string '=i' for int etc
arg_name how the option value should be rendered in the POD
dispatch_to name of a method to be called if this option is present
*summary one-line summary of the option for the synopsis
*description longer POD snippet providing a full description of the option
The command line options are parsed using L<Getopt::Long> so you can refer to
that module's documentation for more details (of the C<arg_spec> in particular).
If your plugin registers a command-line option then your summary and
description should be visible immediately when you run C<bcvi --help>.
Only specify a C<dispatch_to> method if C<bcvi> should exit immediately after
your method is called.
After you have registered a command-line option, code in your plugin methods
can check the value of the option (or any other option) with:
If you are unsure about the usage of any of the parameters listed above, please
refer to the numerous examples in C<bcvi> itself.
=head2 C<< register_command(key => value, ...) >>
This method is used to register a handler for a new command in the listener.
The arguments are key => value pairs, for example:
name => 'scpd',
description => <<'END_POD'
Uses C<scp> to copy the specified files to the calling user's F<~/Desktop>.
The recognised keys are (*=mandatory parameter):
*name the 'command' name which will be sent from the client
dispatch_to name of the handler method
*description POD snippet providing a full description of the command
If you don't provide a method name as an argument to the C<dispatch_to>
parameter, then the default handler method name will be the command name with
'execute_' prepended.
See L<"COMMAND HANDLERS"> below for details of how the handler method is
=head2 C<< register_aliases(alias, ...) >>
This method is used to register shell alias definitions that should be added
to the user's local shell startup script with C<< bcvi --add-aliases >> or
to the shell startup script on a remote host with C<< bcvi --install >>.
One call can register a list of aliases, for example:
'test -n "${BCVI_CONF}" && alias vi="bcvi"',
'test -n "${BCVI_CONF}" && alias bcp="bcvi -c scpd"',
=head2 C<< register_installable() >>
A client-side plugin should call this method to indicate that the plugin file
is required on the remote hosts and should be copied over by C<< bcvi --install >>.
This method call requires no arguments:
When the listener receives a command it looks up the registered commands to
locate a handler method and then calls that method (with no arguments).
If the handler method expects a list of filenames, it can get them by calling:
Alternatively, if the handler method expects string data rather than filenames,
it can call:
for non-ASCII text data you may want to decode the bytes to characters using
the L<Encode> module:
decode('utf8', $self->read_request_body())
The handler can also access the request headers via the hashref returned by:
If for some reason the handler method needs direct read or write access to the
client socket, it can get the socket filehandle with:
=head2 Response Status Codes
You probably don't need to worry about this section - usually a handler does
not need to worry about returning a status code at all.
On successful completion, a command handler method should simply return (the
return value is not significant). The listener process will send a C<< 200
Success >> status response.
On failure, a command handler may choose to die and the message will go to the
user's X Session log. The client will see the socket close and will advise the
user that the "Server hung up".
There are a small number of predefined status codes that can be returned to the
client (but most command handlers will never need to use them):
200 Success
300 Response follows
900 Permission denied
910 Unrecognised command
You can send a response by calling:
$self->send_response($code) # eg: $code = 900
There is currently no way to register additional codes, but of course a handler
routine could make up its own status code, write it directly to the socket
(using C<< $self->sock->write >>) and then exit.
The '300' response is useful for the situation where the client sent a request
and is expecting data in the body of the response. If you want to see an
example of this functionality, look at the built-in 'commands_pod' message that
the C<bcvi> client uses to retrieve the POD for all commands supported by the
listener. A 300 response must be followed by one or more headers - terminated
by a blank line. A 'Content-length' header must be included to indicate how
many bytes of data follow the headers.
=head1 SEE ALSO
For examples of plugins, look for these modules on CPAN:
=over 4
=item L<App::BCVI::NotifyClient>
Implements the client-side of the Desktop notification plugin. Registers a
shell alias and registers as an installable file.
=item L<App::BCVI::Notify>
Implements the server-side of the Desktop notification plugin. Registers a
new command, hooks the server class and implements a command handler.
=item L<App::BCVI::InstallManager>
Hooks the client class to track which hosts C<bcvi> has been installed to (using
C<< bcvi --install >>). Wraps the handler for the existing C<--install>
option handler and also adds a new C<--update-all> option.
The source of C<bcvi> itself is also a good place to look for examples of how
to register options and commands and how to implement a command handler.
Copyright 2007-2012 Grant McLean C<< <grantm at cpan.org> >>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.