Task::Digest - Task to install all available cryptographic message digests
This distribution contains no actual code; it simply exists to provide a list of dependencies to assist in quickly installing all available cryptographic message digests.
This distribution contains a benchmarking script which compares the available message digest algorithms. These are the results on a MacBook 2GHz Core 2 Duo (64-bit) with Perl 5.12.2, using a message size of 1KB:
edonr_384 290443/s 284 MB/s
edonr_512 287827/s 281 MB/s
md4 287826/s 281 MB/s
md5 245759/s 240 MB/s
bmw_384 215039/s 210 MB/s
bmw_512 208776/s 204 MB/s
edonr_224 187398/s 183 MB/s
edonr_256 182856/s 179 MB/s
skein_512 157466/s 154 MB/s
blake_384 156392/s 153 MB/s
blake_512 154983/s 151 MB/s
skein_256 148716/s 145 MB/s
bmw_256 131523/s 128 MB/s
bmw_224 131522/s 128 MB/s
blake_224 120302/s 117 MB/s
blake_256 119300/s 117 MB/s
sha_sha_1 112439/s 110 MB/s
sha1_sha_1 106193/s 104 MB/s
shabal_224 94575/s 92 MB/s
shabal_256 92839/s 91 MB/s
shabal_384 91167/s 89 MB/s
skein_1024 80842/s 79 MB/s
sha_256 73770/s 72 MB/s
sha_512 73770/s 72 MB/s
sha_224 71739/s 70 MB/s
sha_384 71087/s 69 MB/s
shabal_512 70134/s 68 MB/s
keccak_256 60151/s 59 MB/s
keccak_224 60151/s 59 MB/s
luffa_256 54098/s 53 MB/s
luffa_224 54098/s 53 MB/s
ripemd_160 50717/s 50 MB/s
keccak_384 49321/s 48 MB/s
md6_224 46849/s 46 MB/s
fugue_256 46849/s 46 MB/s
fugue_224 46849/s 46 MB/s
md6_256 44660/s 44 MB/s
shavite3_224 42666/s 42 MB/s
shavite3_256 41918/s 41 MB/s
groestl_224 41754/s 41 MB/s
groestl_256 41353/s 40 MB/s
luffa_384 40573/s 40 MB/s
echo_256 39010/s 38 MB/s
echo_224 38641/s 38 MB/s
md6_384 36202/s 35 MB/s
keccak_512 34132/s 33 MB/s
fugue_384 31210/s 30 MB/s
luffa_512 29805/s 29 MB/s
md6_512 29020/s 28 MB/s
gost 28980/s 28 MB/s
cubehash_224 27927/s 27 MB/s
cubehash_512 27926/s 27 MB/s
cubehash_384 27926/s 27 MB/s
cubehash_256 27926/s 27 MB/s
hamsi_256 24889/s 24 MB/s
hamsi_224 24888/s 24 MB/s
fugue_512 22998/s 22 MB/s
echo_512 21154/s 21 MB/s
echo_384 21154/s 21 MB/s
simd_256 20479/s 20 MB/s
shavite3_384 19566/s 19 MB/s
simd_224 18601/s 18 MB/s
shavite3_512 18101/s 18 MB/s
groestl_384 17935/s 18 MB/s
groestl_512 17935/s 18 MB/s
whirlpool 16567/s 16 MB/s
jh_384 14354/s 14 MB/s
jh_512 14354/s 14 MB/s
jh_256 14354/s 14 MB/s
jh_224 14354/s 14 MB/s
simd_512 13273/s 13 MB/s
simd_384 12670/s 12 MB/s
hamsi_384 7657/s 7 MB/s
hamsi_512 7657/s 7 MB/s
md2 5338/s 5 MB/s
perl_sha_1 175/s 0.17 MB/s
perl_sha_256 126/s 0.12 MB/s
perl_sha_224 125/s 0.12 MB/s
perl_md5 77/s 0.08 MB/s
perl_md4 77/s 0.08 MB/s
perl_sha_512 61/s 0.06 MB/s
perl_sha_384 60/s 0.06 MB/s
Please report any bugs or feature requests to I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Task::Digest
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Copyright (C) 2010 gray <gray at>, all rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
gray, <gray at>