WebService::Google::Reader - Perl interface to Google Reader


use WebService::Google::Reader;

my $reader = WebService::Google::Reader->new(
    username => $user,
    password => $pass,

my $feed = $reader->unread( count => 100);
my @entries = $feed->entries;

# Fetch past entries.
while ( $reader->more( $feed ) ) {
    my @entries = $feed->entries;


The WebService::Google::Reader module provides an interface to the Google Reader service through the unofficial (as-yet unpublished) API.


$reader = WebService::Google::Reader->new

Creates a new WebService::Google::Reader object. The following named parameters are accepted:

username and password

Required for accessing any personalized or account-related functionality (reading-list, editing, etc.).

secure or https

Use https scheme for all requests, even when not required.


An optional useragent object.

$error = $reader->error

Returns the error, if one occurred.

Feed generators

The following methods request an ATOM feed and return a subclass of XML::Atom::Feed. These methods accept the following optional named parameters:

    order / sort

    The sort order of the entries: desc (default) or asc in time. When ordering by asc, Google only returns entries within 30 days, whereas the default order has no limitation.


    Request entries only newer than this time (represented as a unix timestamp).

    exclude( feed => $feed|[@feeds], tag => $tag|[@tags] )

    Accepts a hash reference to one or more of feed / tag / state. Each of which is a scalar or array reference.

feed( $feed )

Accepts a single feed url.

tag( $tag )

Accepts a single tag name. See "TAGS"

state( $state )

Accepts a single state name. See "STATES".


Shortcut for state( 'broadcast' ).


Shortcut for state( 'starred' ).


Shortcut for state( 'reading-list', exclude => { state => 'read' } )

search( $query, %params )

Accepts a query string and the following named parameters:

feed / state / tag

One or more (as a array reference) feed / state / tag to search. The default is to search all feed subscriptions.


The total number of search results: defaults to 1000.


The number of entries per fetch: defaults to 40.

order / sort

The sort order of the entries: desc (default) or asc in time.

more / previous / next

A feed generator only returns $count entries. If more are available, calling this method will return a feed with the next $count entries.

List generators

The following methods return an object of type WebService::Google::Reader::ListElement.


Returns a list of subscriptions and a count of unread entries. Also listed are any tags or states which have positive unread counts. The following accessors are provided: id, count. The maximum count reported is 1000.


Returns the list of user subscriptions. The following accessors are provided: id, title, categories, firstitemmsec. categories is a reference to a list of ListElements providing accessors: id, label.


Returns the list of preference settings. The following accessors are provided: id, value.


Returns the list of user-created tags. The following accessors are provided: id, shared.


Returns the list of user information. The following accessors are provided: isBloggerUser, userId, userEmail.

Edit feeds

The following methods are used to edit feed subscriptions.

edit_feed( $feed|[@feeds], %params )

Requires a feed url or Feed object, or a reference to a list of them. The following named parameters are accepted:

subscribe / unsubscribe

Flag indicating whether the target feeds should be added or removed from the user's subscriptions.


Accepts a title to associate with the feed. This probaby wouldn't make sense to use when there are multiple feeds. (Maybe later will consider allowing a list here and zipping the feed and title lists).

tag / state / untag / unstate

Accepts a tag / state or a reference to a list of tags / states for which to associate / unassociate the target feeds.

tag_feed( $feed|[@feeds], @tags )
untag_feed( $feed|[@feeds], @tags )
state_feed( $feed|[@feeds], @states )
unstate_feed( $feed|[@feeds], @states )

Associate / unassociate a list of tags / states from a feed / feeds.

subscribe( @feeds )
unsubscribe( @feeds )

Subscribe or unsubscribe from a list of feeds.

rename_feed( $feed|[@feeds], $title )

Renames a feed to the given title.

mark_read_feed( @feeds )

Marks the feeds as read.

Edit tags / states

The following methods are used to edit tags and states.

edit_tag( $tag|[@tags], %params )
edit_state( $state|[@states], %params )

Accepts the following parameters.

share / public

Make the given tags / states public.

unshare / private

Make the given tags / states private.

disable / delete

Only tags (and not states) can be disabled.

share_tag( @tags )
unshare_tag( @tags )
share_state( @states )
unshare_state( @states )

Associate / unassociate the 'broadcast' state with the given tags / states.

delete_tag( @tags )

Delete the given tags.

rename_feed_tag( $oldtag|[@oldtags], $newtag|[@newtags]

Renames the tags associated with any feeds.

rename_entry_tag( $oldtag|[@oldtags], $newtag|[@newtags]

Renames the tags associated with any individual entries.

rename_tag( $oldtag|[@oldtags], $newtag|[@newtags]

Calls rename_feed_tag and rename_entry_tag, and finally delete_tag.

mark_read_tag( @tags )
mark_read_state( @states )

Marks all entries as read for the given tags / states.

Edit entries

The following methods are used to edit individual entries.

edit_entry( $entry|[@entries], %params )
tag / state / untag / unstate

Associate / unassociate the entries with the given tags / states.

tag_entry( $entry|[@entries], @tags )
untag_entry( $entry|[@entries], @tags )
state_entry( $entry|[@entries], @tags )
unstate_entry( $entry|[@entries], @tags )

Associate / unassociate the entries with the given tags / states.

share_entry( @entries )
unshare_entry( @entries )

Marks all the given entries as "broadcast".


Marks / unmarks all the given entries as "starred".

mark_read_entry( @entries )

Marks all the given entries as "read".


These are list of other useful methods.

edit_preference( $key, $value )

Sets the given preference name to the given value.

mark_read( feed => $feed|[@feeds], state => $state|[@states], tag => $tag|[@tags] )

Exports feed subscriptions as OPML.


Returns true / false on success / failure. Unsure of when this needs to be used.

Private methods

The following private methods may be of use to others.


This is automatically called from within methods that require authorization. An optional parameter is accepted which when true, will force a login even if a previous login was successful. The end result of a successful login is to set the SID cookie.


Given an HTTP::Request, this will perform the request and if the response indicates a bad (expired) token, it will request another token before performing the request again. Returns an HTTP::Response on success, false on failure (check error).


This is automatically called from within methods that require a user token. If successful, the token is available via the token accessor.


Returns a list of all the known states. See "STATES".


The following characters are not allowed: "<>?&/\^


These are tags in a Google-specific namespace. The following are all the known used states.


Entries which have been read.


Entries which have been read, but marked unread.


New entries from reading-list.


Entries which have been starred.


Entries which have been shared and made publicly available.


Entries from all subscriptions.

Entries for which a link in the body has been clicked.


Entries which have been mailed.

Entries for which the title link has been clicked.


Entries which have been kept unread. (Not sure how this differs from "kept-unread").


If Compress::Zlib is found, then requests will accept compressed responses and will be automatically decompress them.



Please report any bugs or feature requests to I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc WebService::Google::Reader

You can also look for information at:


Copyright (C) 2007 gray <gray at>, all rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


gray, <gray at>