Changes for version 0.2.0

  • Added new syntax for using callbacks with the send_action method. Old syntax still works. Check documentation for this method for more details.
  • Changed method of parsing from a regex to a simple split. This was possible due to previous changes in the order that we parsed input. Results are more accurate parsing and better performance.
  • Removed the need for the 'DATA' key due to above parsing improvements. All input now creates a key in the appropriate hash.
  • Manager lines with empty values ( e.g. 'Account: ' in an event) are no longer placed in 'DATA' and are instead parsed properly and contain the null string as a value ( test for '' ).
  • Added documentation examples for the Originate Action
  • Update documenation
  • Switch to the Artistic License 2
  • Improved Package for CPAN, META.yml now included


Perl module for interacting with the Asterisk Manager Interface
Extends the AMI module to provide simple access to common AMI commands and functions
Extends AMI::Common to include functions for the current development branch of asterisk