use Embperl::Syntax qw{:types} ;
# We inherit the generic HTML support from Embperl::Syntax::HTML
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Embperl::Syntax::HTML) ;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = Embperl::Syntax::HTML::new($class);
# initialise ourselves when an object is created if it hasn't
# been done already
if (!$self->{-randomInit}) {
$self->{-randomInit} = 1;
return $self;
# initialise things and define our new syntax handling
sub init {
my $self = shift;
# redefine the tags we want to manipulate attributes for
$self->AddTag('qq', ['href'], undef, undef, {
perlcode => q[ {
# _ep_sa is an apparently undocumented function which
# allows you to rewrite an attribute of the current node
# specified by %$n%
_ep_sa(%$n%, 'href', Embperl::Syntax::Test2::rewrite_url(%&'href%));
$self->AddTag('a', ['href'], undef, undef, {
perlcode => q[ {
# _ep_sa is an apparently undocumented function which
# allows you to rewrite an attribute of the current node
# specified by %$n%
_ep_sa(%$n%, 'href', Embperl::Syntax::Test2::rewrite_url(%&'href%));
sub rewrite_url
warn "rewrite_url got $_[0]\n" ;
return "**$_[0]**12**";
1 ;