Embperl::Form::Control::table - A table which get data from LDAP composed via joinAttrValue


type => 'table',
text => 'blabla', 
columns => [['foo', 'Foo item'], 'bar'],


Used as a base class to create an table control inside an Embperl Form. See Embperl::Form on how to specify parameters. You need to overwrite this class and call the method show_table. show_table takes an arrayref of hashrefs as parameter which is used as data to display.



Needs to be 'table'


Will be used as label for the control


Arraryref which contains an arrayrefs with definition of columns names. Allows to specify multiple rows per data entry. Column definition is either the name in the data hashref or an arrayref with the name in the hash ref and the text to display as heading. Example:

 [['email', 'E-Mail Address'], ['phone', 'Phone']],
 [['foo', 'Foo'], ['bar', 'Bar']],

email and phone will be display on the first line with headings 'E-Mail Address' and 'Phone' and foo and bar will be displayed on the second line for each entry.

It is possible to add additional information. One entry might contain the following entries:


Key for into data hashref


Text to display


Colspan (how many colums this cell should span)


If set a control is displayed instead of a text. Must contain:

radio,<name>,<value> or checkbox,<name>,<value>


Display as link. This item contains the name of the key in the data hashref that holds the href.


target for link


Name of filter function. The value of the cell is process through this filter. Filter functions are passed as hashref of subs in the paramter 'filters' .


Arrayref with names of which the values should concated and displayed below each entry.


Hashref of coderefs which contains filter functions. The following example shows one filter called 'date' which passes the data throught the perl function format_date. The value is passed as first argument to the filter function. The second argument is the column description (see above), the third argument is the row data and the last argument is the current Embperl request record.

  filters => 
	'date' => sub
	    return format_date ($_[0]) ;


G. Richter (

See Also

perl(1), Embperl, Embperl::Form

6 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 156:

Expected text after =item, not a number

Around line 160:

Expected text after =item, not a number

Around line 164:

Expected text after =item, not a number

Around line 170:

Expected text after =item, not a number

Around line 175:

Expected text after =item, not a number

Around line 179:

Expected text after =item, not a number